
Monday, December 08, 2008

Adrenicide-Natural Born Thrashers


I am sure that at one time or another that almost everyone thinks about what it would be like to have a time machine. If there was such a device then some people would love to visit the past and others would be content to stay there. Adrenacide might fall into that second group because they obviously hold some bands from about 1985-1989 up on a pedestal. Adrenacide wear their influences on their sleeves and actually they even try to look like they popped right out 1987. The main influence I hear is DRI around the time of "Four of a kind" and "Thrashzone". I also hear some Anthrax and Nuclear Assault in there as well. The lyrics include songs about drinking, drugs, violence and other topics that have been many times over. The positives here would be that they bring in some hardcore touches and that sets them apart from many retro-thrash bands. I also enjoyed the slightly under produced sound which I think gave their music more of an underground feel. The downside is there isn't much here to recommend to fans who heard this type of music twenty years ago. It took me less than 30 seconds into almost every song on this CD to know exactly what they were going to do during the whole song. They rarely varied from that format and instead just plunked along like they had something to give. Unfortunately the style they are playing wasn't even that spectacular when it was in it's "prime". It's not that heavy, it's not that fast and the lyrics certainly don't help elevate the album either. I am a long time thrash fan, but Adrenacide just remind me of a band who know the basic skills and that's about it. It's find to love a style from the past, but when you don't add any of your own ideas then it's just like you are spinning your wheels.

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