
Sunday, December 07, 2008

Bible of the devil-Freedom Metal

Cruz Del Sur/ The End

I have heard the band name for some time, but this is the first album that I have had an opportunity to hear from Chicago's Bible of the devil. The flying V and motorcycle chase on the cover already had me thinking that I might be in for some gritty metal. The opener "Hijack the night" emerges with a huge chunk of Sabbath like sludge before it really takes off. Then we are treated to some Iron Maiden-like guitar bursts pushed in here and there. In fact much of the album is an obvious tribute to some of most influential classic metal acts. Primarily I hear Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Dio for starters. Although "Ol' girl" is the big exception as it sounds like prime mid-70's Thin Lizzy. These guys might get put into the stoner rock bin, but that's not entirely accurate or fair. Bible of the devil tap into the soul of real metal and most of these songs sound like they could have come right out of about 1983 or 1984. Even though many of their influences are big name bands, the sound and the production on this album bring in more of an underground metal feel. These days it seems like you can't spit without hitting a "retro" or "throwback" metal band. It's easy to capture that sound from twenty years ago, but not everyone can really pin down the spirit of the best bands from years ago. Bible of the devil certainly are not perfect and they could benefit from a little more energy and a little less repetition at times. Still they do a fine job because they know how to create catchy, head-banging tunes.


  1. I've seen them live 3 times in the last 2 years. They are great. Thanks for the reminder that this came out, I have been so busy lately that I had forgotten. You should certainly pick up the last one, it's great.

  2. I have this album and the one before it and haven't spun either yet...I'll have to check 'em out
