
Friday, January 23, 2009

Satan-Court in the act

Metal Mind


The NWOBHM included plenty of bands all emerging in a fairly short period of time. Of course with the market being flooded like that there was inevitably only room for a few bands to really achieve massive success. Satan were a band with plenty of ideas and talent, but unfortunately it didn't lead them to fame and fortune. They were fronted by former Blitzkrieg vocalist Brian Ross at this time. The music isn't completely removed from other acts of their time. There are definitely some similarites to Iron Maiden and Diamond Head. The production on this album isn't the best because there is a dull quality to the sound in places. That does not really matter though because Satan play an instantly likable style. They play with an energetic passion greater than many other debuts of the time. Guitarists Steve Ramsey and Russ Tippins support one another and they masterfully forge their way through some very diverse and challenging passages. The guitars are a huge plus on this release. Satan let loose some occasional bursts of speed and they do it with ease. However their real legacy is the impact and influence they have had on power metal. It's easy to hear the roots of that metal sub-genre on this album. This is quality hard hitting music that is as good today as it was twenty-six years ago. Satan would became Blind Fury for the next release before coming back to the name Satan again in 1987. Not a band that received a great deal of fanfare, but "Court in the act" is certainly worth hunting down.


  1. one of the greatest albums ever.

  2. Anonymous2:07 PM

    ...and for the metal trivia fans among us, Steve Ramsey would later go on to be a founder (and still) member of Skyclad.
