
Thursday, November 25, 2010

What's coming up?

In the next week I hope to have out reviews of the latest from Bison B.C., Earthride, Issa and The Ocean. Also I hope to have out another Clash of the album covers and a Battle of the bands. It's also time for me to begin working on my end of the year awards. I will be coming up with my top 25 albums of the year, top 5 re-issues/re-releases plus best and worst album covers. I'll have to bring out my calender and check, but I'll devote the third week of December to these awards because I like to do my top album countdown at a rate of five per day then I'll do the re-issues on a day and the top and bottom album covers on the same day. I have done a top 5 worst albums of the year list before, but to be honest 2010 has been such a good year that I could not come up with more than maybe 3 albums from this year that I didn't like so I don't have to do one of those lists this year and that's a good thing. Figuring out my top 25 albums is going to be a tough task. I know my top right off my head, but the other twenty spots is pretty open and there are lot of good releases to choose from. So I really need to get at it and figure it out. It's tough to narrow choices down, but fun to give credit to those that deserve it.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I have to say I won't be doing my 25 Immaculate Receptions since I went away for a couple months and it's unfair to whomever released albums in that timeframe I missed out on, but I'll do a friendly batch of favorites for the year with Enslaved gaining my metal album of the year

  2. Wow, Ray way to build up the suspense on your top album of the year.
