
Monday, September 26, 2016

Free Metal Monday: Mad John The Wise-Mad John The Wise EP


Released back in early 2014, "Mad John The Wise" is the powerful debut EP from the four-peace Greek hard rock/progressive metal band of the same name. This name-your-own-price digital download features four amazing numbers from guitarist/vocalist Dimos Ioannou and company* with the shortest of the bunch (the excellent "Green pills"!) falling in at seven minutes and twenty three seconds! Armed to the teeth with technical weaponry that makes my head spin (and not to mention melodic wizardly that is pound for pound some of the best out there!) this talented Athens-based quartet effortlessly merges riff-heavy hard rock, progressive rock/metal, and traditional/melodic metal into something that is intelligent, timeless and 100% original. It's also highly enjoyable and demanding of multiple listens, but would you really expect anything less than that from a band named Mad John The Wise? With a new album in the works (yeah!) this extremely epic foursome shouldn't be that far off from becoming a house-hold name in progressive rock/metal circles. Oddly enough this band looks to be unsigned, but if this band keeps on putting out exceptional material like this that should change sooner than later. In the mean time be sure to pick up this first recording from Mad John The Wise because it is way too good to pass up. Obviously it is a absolute must download for anyway that claims to love progressive rock and/or metal. Let's not dispute that for a second. That being said, "Mad John The Wise" has a lot to offer for casual hard rock and heavy metal fans. Mainly we are talking about it's almighty bass and rhythm riffs, but at it's core this sweet EP also has some (thick) pounding drums and killer lead solos that are very metallic! Just check out opening number "My Dearest Crime" and you'll hear what I'm talking about! And don't even get me started on the raspy voice of Dimos Ioannou!! In a very cool way his style of singing gives "Mad John The Wise" a eerie kind of atmosphere and it is one of those vibes that is usually reserved for doom metal and dark metal recordings. Not that the EP itself goes in that direction. Again, this is progressively-tinged hard rock/heavy metal and damn fine progressively-tinged hard rock/heavy metal at that! Instead it's just a case where the raspy voice of Dimos Ioannou adds another metallic element to what is already a heavy release. Given all of that, "Mad John The Wise" is worse a listen whether you are into progressive music or not. And seeing as it is free and all.......

*Dimitris Ntolkas-Guitar
  Orestes Katsaros-Bass
  Spiros Stefanis-Drums


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