
Monday, September 19, 2016

Interview with Angerhead

Every bit as drop-dead lethal as their moniker suggests, Angerhead is a four-piece metal band that is based in San Jose, California and lead by vocalist Paul Hastey. It was back in early April of this year that I first  covered this extreme (if sadly underrated!) metal band as part of my Free Metal Monday series and in no time and all I followed that up with a review of the group's forthcoming release, "Fueled By Rage". That particular EP (which I am incidentally blaring away as I type up this feature!) is beastly in it's appearance and is nothing short of a must-have for anyone who likes their metal to be as mean and menacing as humanly possible! Just recently I had the chance to do a short interview with this aggressive (if not surprising laid-back considering the very nature of their music!) band and I'd like to encourage all of our readers to head over to Facebook and check out the group's page there. In addition to Facebook this talented quartet has an official site which you can view by clicking here.

Andy-I very much want to talk to you about the forthcoming "Fueled By Rage", but first things first, how did the deal with Violent Creek Records come about? A hearty round of congratulations are certainly in order! 
Angerhead-Thank you!  So...Former Laughing Dead and UnJust Bassist Eric Wong turned us on to them. He said they are a smaller label who live and breath metal. Boy was he right. They are serious about they're metal and we are excited to release our first record with them.

Andy-You've been on the scene since early 2011. In that time frame Angerhead has released three well-received EPs. Word has it that your first release for Violent Creek Records will be a collection of the those EPs housed in one nifty package. Is that correct? 
Angerhead-Yes. We actually only released two EP's. The third and latest wasn't released. We think its our best and is also the most current. So now, our fans all over the world will have one CD consisting of all of our songs. We remastered the first EP's so everything flow a little better. 

Andy-My apologies then as I just realized that your latest EP hasn't come out yet! That being said, will there be any bonus material on the forthcoming (full-length) album? Maybe a new song or two? How about another Motörhead cover? 
Angerhead-There is twelve songs including "Iron Fist". We are just beginning writing for a second record. We might do one song as a teaser between album. Maybe a cover. I'm thing maybe Pantera song or an original. However, you can never count out another Motörhead song either haha!

Andy-A Pantera cover would make perfect sense for you guys, but let's go back to your first cover. The thing is "Iron Fist" was already a cool as f**k Motörhead classic and yet you guys somehow managed to not only pay tribute to it, but make it all your own! If you ask me that right there is a hell of thing to pull off! 
Angerhead-You know, I was very surprised myself. I wasn't sure how well it would come out. I have to say its way better that I anticipated. Some bands do covers and they just don't blend or sound correct. "Iron Fist" was right up our alley and we are very please on the final result.

Andy- Let's talk about your latest EP. Packed with five killer cuts, "Fueled By Rage" is absolutely insane! Did you guys realize how good it was going to be while you were laying it to tape? 
Angerhead-You know, you don't truly know until its done. We felt like the songs were very strong. Juan Urteaga is a master for metal recording so that always gives you confidence going in. But you always wait to here everyone's performances, tone and recording sounds all blended to make the final product. We are pleased to say the least. It definitely represents Angerhead. That is the main thing.

Andy-One would have to think that "Fueled By Rage" will be universally praised by fans and critics alike. Am I right to assume such a thing? 
Angerhead-We shall see. The album comes out December 2nd, 2016, so we shall find out. Everyone go out and buy it or download it. I think you will like it if you are into Bay Area Punk Thrash with a twist.

Andy-Now that the dust has settled what's next for Angerhead? Will you be hitting the road behind the release of first album for Violent Creek Records? 
Angerhead-We definitely will be playing a CD release show and more out of town gigs. There is some talk of heading to Europe in 2017 with festivals and shows. I sure hope so. We would love to do that. We are keeping our metal horns crossed :-)

Andy- I really hope it all works out for you guys. Any Final words or thoughts? I like having bands have the last word so if there is anything we didn't touch on fire away! 
Angerhead-I would say thank you for doing what you do. It really helps bands like us get our music and name out to people we normally wouldn't be able to reach. That is our goal. Reaching as many prospective fans as we can. It has never been about the money or fame. We feel we have solid music needed to be heard by fans of metal. The more fans we reach the better. Outlets like yours are a necessity. Thank you!!
Andy-And a big thank you to you guys for the opportunity!

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