Motorhead have written on a number of different topics throughout the years.
Let's look at the first verse from "Love me like reptile" off of Ace of spades.
"Knew I had to bite you baby when I first set eyes on you,
That moment turned me on, I can't believe it's true,
I like to watch your body sway,
I got no choice, I'm gonna twist your tail,
Love Me Like A Reptile, I'm gonna sink my fangs in you"
We know what they are talking about yet it's an odd interpretation. I think that this song is a good representation of Motorhead's approach to lyrics. I think that normally their lyrics are somewhat unique. It seems to come natural from them and doesn't sound forced.

Here is the last part of "I'm the doctor" off of the Iron Fist album.
"Don't get too depressed, I've found a way to help your case
A little hypodermic sends you into outer space
You'll feel much better when you take these little pills
I'm gonna give you 60 bottles, I believe in overkill
Heart attack, you know you're never coming back
Cos I'm the Doctor"
It's rather nasty sounding yet somehow it's done so that it comes across as being like a dark comedy in a way. Not everyone could pull this off.

Lastly here is the first past of "Angel City" from 1916.
"I wanna grow my hair, live in Bel Air,
Lose my head,keep a live snake in my bed,
I wanna backstage pass, Drink Bon Jovi's booze for free,
I wanna be a star and buy a hundred guitars,
Eat everything I can bite,
I wanna feel a little danger,Feel a little stranger,
Angel City tonight,"
More straightforward in the humor here, but a good take on hard rock stardom back when this was written (1990).