KISS-Rock and roll over, 1976

Probably one of the first bands you think of when the 1970's is mentioned. And why not? They had a big stage show, the make-up, the costumes and the whole image that went with it. Yet it's the music that matters and KISS had that as well or at least at one time they did. Maybe it's silly to say that an album made in the middle of their hay day was overlooked, but I think this album is at least a little bit overlooked at times. Released just months after Destroyer and before Lovegun, Rock and roll over has perhaps less known songs than those two albums which is why it may be overlooked. However the tracks that here are largely solid and the album as a whole is as good of an example of KISS in their prime as any other release. Let's face it, no one in the original line-up was that great of a musician and the lyrics were pure cheese. Yet they sold it and sold it well because they tried hard and didn't pretend to be anything other than entertaining. Changing singers was also a big plus at times as it helped them to do different styles of songs and pull them off. Here are a few of the tracks that stand out to me. "I want you" is a real direct rocker with a good intro. "Love 'em and leave 'em" has a big thick sound and chugs along nicely. "Baby Driver" is fairly energetic with lots of squealing guitars and a good control of the pace. "Hard luck woman" is easily better than "Beth" from Destroyer and it seems much more suited to the style of the band. Of course "Makin' Love" is a giant in your face rocker. "Mr. Speed" might be the only song on the album that's a little under par. It's not bad when I hear it, but once the album end I can't ever quite remember how it went. Anyway this is a good slab of rock music from KISS. I also commend Eddie Kramer for the production job that manages to capture a sound that has enough of an edge on it. Certainly one of the top KISS albums I reach for.
Me and my sister bought this one on 8-track. Ladies Room and Dr. Love are my two favorite songs on this album.
Agreed, and arguably one of their best covers of all-time. I think Destroyer was just so good and had so much of an impact that perhaps some of listening audience might've been "Too much too soon!" initially. This is certainly one of my favorites as well.
Cool cover art on this one! I still dig KISS from this era. They were simple and entertaining...! Good time rock n roll!
Now you're talkin my language!!! Kiss will forever rule!! Great review!
Totally agree that this is an overlooked classic! Sandwiched between two of Kiss's finest albums is unfortunate for it as its got some great tunes on it.
Kiss has always been a band I've a lot of respect for. They were/are upfront, honest and a band for the fans. Though I've never heard this album, I'm very familiar with a number of the songs from either live or compilation albums. I should check it out and see how those songs blend with the album.
There are so many great Kiss Discs out there. Quite a few of them are overlooked in the grand scheme of things.
A couple of years ago I heard Creatures for the first time, and was blown away. That one is my personal favorite today.
I think I am going to have to give Rock and Roll All Over another listen tonight.
Captain Corky-I never owned an 8 track player.
Ray-It seems like few times a band releases two studio albums in the same year that one is always overlooked.
rockdog-KISS had a good thing going from about 74-78 and then a few albums here and there after that.
aunt Jackie-Thanks.
Bill-Being in between those two releases did make it tough.
DPTH-The early studio albums are all worth checking out.
Hardrock hideout-Creatures of the night is a very underrated album. To me it's easily the best studio album done after Lovegun.
I will be doing a KISS week later this year. Likely in October as that seems like a good month for them.
This is my favorite KISS album.
Following Destroyer, and touring both albums at the same time, basically makes RARO the forgotten classic it is. Every song on the album is great, although I am so sick of 'Calling Dr. Love'. Actually, I would say this is the weakest song. I think 'Take Me', 'Ladies Room', 'Mr. Speed', and 'See You In Your Dreams' are great KISS songs and I never tire hearing them. I think this is much stronger than the Love Gun album but just a shade less than Destroyer. I equate RARO to Hotter Than Hell, which is better than Dressed To Kill but can't touch the debut.
Best KISS cover (Creatures is 2nd) too.
Agreed--this is one I find myself going back to a lot. For me, though, I'd switch Baby Driver and Mr. Speed. I like the latter more than you and can do without the former.
-- david
It's always stuck out to me that Kiss has never appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone.
I had it on eight track as well when it first came out. I still think that it may not be their best but it does rank on up there.
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