Rocklahoma: My view

In case you have not heard there is a three day concert taking place in Oklahoma this summer. I first heard about it over at Hard rock hideout and Rob has writtern a few posts about it. Allyson over Bring back glam is going and so are some of the guys over at Mama's fallen angels. Both of those blogs have had multiple posts on this topic as well. So here's the current list of band's and set times.
Friday, July 13:
12:45 - 01:15 ZENDOZER
04:15 - 05:00 WHITE LION
05:30 - 06:30 Y&T
07:00 - 08:00 SLAUGHTER
08:30 - 09:30 QUIET RIOT
10:00 - 11:00 RATT
11:30 - 01:00 POISON
Saturday, July 14:
10:00 - 10:45 36 INCHES
11:55 - 12:40 BANG TANGO
01:00 - 01:45 BULLET BOYS
02:05 - 02:50 FASTER PUSSYCAT
03:10 - 03:55 ENUFF Z’NUFF
04:15 - 05:00 FIREHOUSE
05:30 - 06:30 WARRANT
07:00 - 08:00 SKID ROW
08:30 - 09:30 WINGER
10:00 - 11:00 DOKKEN
11:30 - 01:00 VINCE NEIL
Sunday, July 15:
10:30 - 11:00 PEDAL POINT
12:20 - 01:10 TBA
01:30 - 02:15 BRITNY FOX
02:45 - 03:45 L.A. GUNS
04:15 - 05:15 GREAT WHITE
05:45 - 06:45 JACKYL
07:15 - 08:30 W.A.S.P.
09:00 - 10:30 TBA
There are a couple of openings left so there are still a few more bands to squeeze on there. There is a rumor going around that Twisted Sister may be added to the bill and there is that headlining spot on the final day still open.
Anyways, I have been thinking about this event and here is my list of positives brought to you in Poison green.
-It's a hard rock festival in the United States. Good to see that.
-It's in a location that maybe doesn't get that many big shows like this.
-The ticket prices (at least early on) weren't too bad for the amount of bands that were playing.
-You could buy tickets for a single day if you wanted.
-It's seems to be getting promoted well.
-No Adler's Appetite or Jani lane on the bill (so far). These guys aren't worth the risk.
Okay, now here are the negatives brought to you in Skid Row red.
-This line-up would be huge if it was 1990, but it's not. These bands are way past their prime and some weren't that special even when the scene was at it's peak.
-Many of these bands are going to be like tribute bands to their former selves. Bang Tango, the Bulletboys, White Lion are all really the singer with some hired guns backing them up. Vince Neil can draw by himself. Even Stepehen Pearcy could have drawn some people too if he hadn't had rejoined Ratt. However guys like Joe LeSte and Mike Tramp have to hide behind a band name to draw anyone.
-Faster Pussycat is what, the version without Taime Down? That sounds like a tribute band not even worth seeing.
-Skidrow without Sebastian Bach? Time to go to the bathroom during their set.
-LA Guns is the version with Tracii Guns (at least that's what I read at one point). Which means it's him, his son and two old guys who were in the band before they did an album. Yeah, I want to stand around and see Tracii and his son wearing matching headbands.
-Britny Fox had in recent years had a 3/4 original line-up. Yet right after they announced the dates for this summer they said they playing them with a 1/4 original line-up. Is it really Britny Fox then?
-It just seems too much like it should be "hasbeenapalooza" or "oldmanfest 2007".
-Lack of younger bands. Put some more acts on there that want to go out and blow their idols off the stage.
-Having just all these old bands is just like admitting the scene is way past being dead and maybe it is. Although I wish it wasn't.
-Vince Neil coming on at 11:30 at end of a long day where he has nothing to do, but sit around and drink. You are asking for trouble and I pity the people in the front row that paid good money just to have Vince Neil fall on them.
-A Tesla or a Cinderella would help the show a lot. Two of the best bands in the genre still going.
I don't mean to be so hard, but seriously this reeks too much of a bunch old geezers cashing in on an easy paycheck. Some of the bands might be up for it, but a lot of them will just go through the motions. I just hope the promoters have lots of wigs and oxygen tanks on hand for some of these bands.
Here are some predictions.
-Band most likely to get booed: Vince Neil if he comes out tanked. If not then maybe Warrant as there have been stories about Jaime St. james having trouble singing Jani Lane's songs.
-Band most likely to come on very late: WASP because of the silly, gigantic mic stand that needs to be set up.
-Band most likely to put on the best show:WASP would be my favorite band on the bill. They may be good, but without Darrell Roberts and Blackie's age I am just not sure. Dokken have two original members and tour fairly often so I think they will be solid, but I am not sure Don can still hit all of those notes. If Twisted Sister gets added as the headliner on the last day then I would go with them. Largely because Dee has a big mouth and lots of energy.
***That's my take on this event. I do hope it goes off without a hitch and that everyone going has a good time. However, I wish there were more of an emphasis on the future of this kind of music rather than just the past.
That's perfect Mark, you've said everything wanted to when I saw the line-up. They should have tried to get a few more big names who are still doing well like Def Leppard, Bon Jovi and Alice Cooper, and dropped some of the more ersatz line-ups. Although I guess WASP at least is a good one to have, a band that is still a thriving concern.
Some more new bands would have been great. Someone like The Darkness or Wolfmother who have similar influences as all these 80s bands or someone young but with a pedigree, like Roxie 77, who are Alice Cooper's recent guitarist, Ryan Roxie's band.
That Rocklahoma festival looks like it is going to be awsome! I wish I could go, but I can't. Very well written.
I don't care for all the negatives about it, but...oh well. I always just look at the positives!
I would LOVE to see WASP! That would be great!
I agree with most of what you said! Well put!
Dee Snider hasn't changed much...if anything, his vocals have gotten better! Dee is THE MAN!
I'd like to see Anthrax added only if they performed the "Among The Living" album in it's entirety.
There are some really good NEW glam/rock bands out there that should be in on this show.
Oh Mark,
I am so excited for Rocklahoma. I know you have your reservations...but I'm just so excited this glam festival is happening, I'm trying to only consider the positives.
I'm hoping to secure some interviews for my website...and I'll take plenty of pictures to share with everyone.
I'm most looking forward to RATT and Vince Neil (naturally).
I think it will be a great three days. I'm more concerned about the opressive heat.
And for some reason, this site won't let me long on anymore...
Cinderella is still recording???
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There are no postives to Rocklahoma. Most of the bands were of marginal importance in their prime, but that was so long ago. This is a show for two different, but similar types of people:
1) Old people who are stuck in the past and thrive on nostalgia.
2) Young people who thrive on someone else's nostalgia.
The second group is considerably worse than the first, because it's fake from the get-go. At least the first group are looking back to their own past instead of someone else's.
Liking old bands is fine. Both the Beatles and Led Zeppelin are in my top 5 or 10. The former broke up the year before I was bron and the latter broke up when I was like 9. But I don't try to live in the 60s or 70s. Nor do I try to live in my own past. Is till listen to the stuff I loved then, but I'd be bored to tears if everything stayed the same. I always want to hear something new and interesting. The Beatles are my favorite, but right now I listen to TV on the Radio a lot more, because they're taking music to new places.
To those of you going, have fun. You'll get the rip-off you deserve from a bunch of washed up has-beens and never-weres.
Last time I saw Don Dokken, he could still hit the notes! Winger and Dokken back to back? I'd love to see that. The former for lusty, superficial reasons (and some good songs) and the latter because they rock! But then they had to go and kill the momentum by tacking on a Vince Neil set? Ugh.
I had the misfortune of seeing that slob several years ago. Luckily, I didn't pay for my ticket or I would've killed someone. My best friend was a huge Vince fan, so she paid my way so she'd have someone to go to the show with. That sack of shit came out, screamed for a while, ran out of breath, then just walked off stage after just about 60 minutes, when he was supposed to play for 90. I was up front surrounded by ANGRY guys in leather jackets and thought I was gonna get caught up in a major riot. Luckily the no-neck bouncers got everyone the hell out of there. The only positive that night was that Vince's bassist was smokin' hot.
You make some very valuaable points Mark, and some of them are hard to hear truths with line-up changes and such. I gave up on Skid Row after "Thickskin" it's alright ... but no heaviness left. Warrant after "Dog Eat Dog" ..???? I don't care ...
The line-up looks quite fun on paper, but I agree that there will be some unfortunate disappoints.
jp-I think Bon Jovi and Def Leppard are big enough bands that they don't need to throw in with this. Alice Cooper would be great, but I don't see that happening.
axe man-Thanks.
rockdog-I agree about Dee Snider. He would probably rise to the occasion if they get booked as the closer on the last night.
allyson- I just wish there was a larger focus on some kind of a future of hard rock and there's not.
I have not changed any settings that should restrict anyone. I will double check them though.
Phoenix-Nope, but they are still touring.
bob-I agree overall. I liked a lot of these bands more than you do. One of the biggest problems here is fans confusing quantity for quality. I would rather see like just the normal three or four of these bands that tour every summer than put up with days of bands going through the motions. I can see fans at first being pulled in for the band names, but then the relaity should set in. That is that very few of these bands have many original members and most are well past their prime.
Beckeye-Good story about Vince Neil. Most of what I have heard is that if Vince plays solo then it's 50% chance he will do something stupid.
DPTH-I must have been posting the same time as you. Exactly, it looks good on paper for a second and then some of us old people relaize what year it is.
I weighed the pros and cons of this show, and decided which Hard Rock bands I would want to see most. I do like the majority of the bands on this bill, but which ones would I really travel to go see.
The ones at the top of my list are RATT, Tesla and Whitesnake. The latter two are not part of the Rocklahoma show.
RATT is about to announce a 50-60 date tour with White Lion and Poison (and possibly a 4th act). I will catch that show when/if it hits closer to home.
Tesla will tour later this year for their covers disc REAL to REEL, and are going to give away Volume 2 of the covers disc with the ticket admission. I will have to hit that show too.
I am betting that Whitesnake will tour later in the year closer to the release of their new disc, so I will be on the lookout for that one as well.
The other bands may or may not show up around town, but some bands like WASP, I would rather catch in a show by themselves, instead of packaged together with a bunch of other groups.
I will be disappointed to miss Twisted Sister, if they are indeed going to take that closing spot on Sunday night but I wouldn't have been able to stay for 3 days for the Rocklahoma show anyway, and would have missed the Sunday night shows for sure.
There are still plenty of opportunities to catch a lot of these bands, outside of the Rocklahoma fest.
If I was about 8 or 9 hours closer to Oklahoma, I would have gone for the whole show.
I would go to see Poison. I spent way too much time listening to their stuff when I was younger not to go and see them at least once. Plus I feel like CC Deville got a raw deal on the Sureal Life.
You're ignoring the raw deal that the world got when CC Deville took up the guitar!
I guess Bob Vinyl hates Poison...more Bret for me!
It's too bad so many of you have reservations about Rocklahoma. I'm sure it will be a good time, I'm sure I won't feel ripped off and I'm sure I won't feel as if I'm living in the past.
Just because you don't feel that you're living in the past doesn't mean you aren't. It might not even be your past, but it's somebody's, because most of these bands don't mean a thing anymore. Some of them never did.
Actually, I have the first four Poison releases. They were okay for their time even if they only watered down what some other bands did better. Honestly thouugh, I can't remember the last time I pulled the LPs or CDs out. Poison is a footnote at best, albeit a fairly listenable one.
Bob Vinyl....WTF!!!
Stop spoiling it for everyone!!!
The reason that I like 80's bands is because they put out the best kind of music ever! These guys had more talent than the kind of rock that is popular today! I love 80's rock! It is my favorite kind of music! You can think what you want to think.
But, here is what I think,
it is better to listen to the kind of music that you love, than listen to music that is "popular" today.
So, it's plain and simple,
80's rock rules! And Rocklahoma is going to be a kick ass festival!
Wow, axe man, you've convinced me! I'm gonna get my tickets for the show and get my flight booked to Rocklahoma!
Seriously, let's take a look at what you have to say. It seems like you have two defenses for hair metal. First, you like it and second, it is the best kind of music ever (with the sub-point being that hair metal musicians are more talented than rock musicians today).
Now, I can't really argue with the truth of your first point. You're entitled to whatever guilty pleasure you'd like. However, the fact that you like it is hardly a ringing endorsement for its quality. So, while it may true that you like it, it has no bearing on whether or not it's actually good.
Your second point would hold water if it was true. Sadly for you, it's not. Hair metal is actually a low point for rock music. The songwriting is all based on a simple pop formula that had been done over and over for years before these bozos got hold of it. They took that formula, added flashy but equally formulaic guitar riffs and voila! You have hair metal. To make matters worse, by the mid 80s everybody was jumping on the hair metal bandwagon. So, in the late 80s, you had a lot of bands who wanted to be rock stars more than they cared about releasing quality music. You didn't have to be good, you just had to have the look and the formula. As far as technical talent is concerned, most hair metal bands had nondescript rhythm sections at best. They tried to cover this up in the lead guitar and vocal departments, but few of the guitarists and vocalists were up to the challenge of carrying a band. Yes, it is true that you had a lot of guys who could play lightning fast scales and hit notes at the top of the human vocal range, but these talents were superficial. They played exactly what you expected and did it with cold precision. Once again, they follow the formula. Few of them played or sang with any emotion, yet that is the difference between a great musician and someone who practiced a lot.
While they liked to portray a rebellious image, they played by the rules all the time. Everything was by the corporate book from the music to the clothes to the hair. What little soul hair metal had was gone by the late 80s. (Before anyone starts running down a list of exceptions, I'm sure I can come up with a half dozen bands that weren't completely by the book myself, but we all know that saying about the exception proving the rule).
I know that was pretty long-winded, but you get the point. The bottom line is that you can like whatever you want. You're entitled to your guilty pleasure. But don't try to pass it off as great music. Hair metal was soulless, corporate rock. It had more to do with business than rebellion or even actual fun.
Nice try at turning the tables on me by implying that I just listen to what's popular. The truth is that I buy very little music that comes out on a major label. I'm not interested in the trends, I'm interested in the music itself. I want to see it move forward, because I love it and I care about it and I don't want to see it become stagnant. Rock n roll is for the young and despite my chronological age, I'm still young. I want it to be vibrant. I want it to break down the barriers of what we thought it could be. Rocklahoma, on the other hand, is for the old (no matter what your chronological age is). If you believe that this ex-corporate crap really rocks, you must be old inside, wanting to pretend that it "kicks ass." But hair metal is the best of example of what the Clash called "turning rebellion into money." Now that the windfall of the late 80s has dried up, these old geezers will try to cash in any way they can. After all, they're more businessmen than anything else.
Sorry the truth is spoiling it for you.
Captain Corky-I didn't see the surreal life.
allyson-I think there are some good things about Rocklahoma, but far more bad or potentially bad things.
Bob-Considering the name of my blog, I can't fault anyone for living in the past. Yet I think there are hard rock and metal bands today that are moving forward. The European metal festivals often seem to have a better mix of younger and veteren bands, I wish this festival was more like that. I think Poison were more a band that was in the right place at the right time than anything else.
axe man- I don't think Poison were that talented, but at their best they were fun.
bob (bottom comment)-Now let's keep in mind that you are not a big fan of hard rock. I think hair metal/hard rock say from the early 80's until the early 90's had good bands, but there were far more bad and generic ones. It got worse as time went on. I think there were some good bands for sure, but too many guys got it in their heads that they could be the next Motley Crue or whoever. Unfortunately labels threw in to the same kind of thinking and many bands with little talent or originality got major label deals. However, I do think you are being to general about saying hair metal is just based on a simple formula. Like punk rock wasn't? Also a lot these bands were teenagers listening to stuff like Alice Cooper, KISS, Aerosmith and the like and a number of those bands were simple too. Unfortunately in the 80's and 90's for every band like Faster Pussycat you got three bands like Trixter.
Back to main topic though. I think Rocklahoma is a bit of a joke. No, I don't like to use that term because I have been a fan of most of these bands, but that's the truth. Despite the fact that I like this music so much, I still think this festival is more of a joke than some other forms of music. You will have a lot of 50 year old men straightening their bandanas and trying to to tuck their pot bellies under their belts before they go out there and try and act like it's 1988. I wish it was in some ways, but it's not. However I still hope there are some younger bands that can take this kind of music, but add some new life and some ideas of their own to it to create something at least sort of new.
Mark, I think you make a great point about the European festivals including both old and new bands. That cultivates a healthy scene, because there is plenty going on in metal that's new and interesting.
I don't completely agree with your point about the influences. I think it was more true with the early 80s bands, but by the late 80s, the bands were inflenced by whoever was getting signed, because it was about "making it" not making music. I'm not dismissing it altogether, just qualifying it.
As far as punk goes, like anything else a lot of bands have a similar sound. The difference is that punk bands were motivated by the music and the scene, not the money (back then anyway). The important difference is that money and business weren't the principle motivators.
It's interesting that you mention Faster Pussycat, because they'd be on my list of exceptions to at least some of what I said. Of course, I mean Faster Pussycat in their prime, not the half-baked facsimile that will be playing at Rocklahoma.
A lot of this is just "wow." As much as I'm enamored with the nostalgia of it, I just don't know.
at first glance, I was excited about the prospect, but you're right about the hasbeenpalooza thing. haha.
if it were happening a mile from my house, I'd go...but I wouldn't make a pilgrimage to that fest at this stage in the game.
I agree with your sentiments Mark..........but hell if that was nearby I'd buy a ticket!!!!!
Wow, you miss a day, and you miss a lot around there parts.
Bob Vinyl, you really seem to hate 80's hard rock.
I can't deny what you are saying though. There is more quantity than quality on this bill.
Regardless, I am guessing that a great time will be had by all of those that attend. I wish I could be one of them.
hard rock hideout-I have known Bob for twenty years and sometimes he just likes to stir the pot.
Looks like Twisted Sister will not sing :(
Oh man, I don't like "hair" metal anymore after what Bob said!
NO! Just Kidding! You didn't spoil anything for me! I just thought any person that goes to a website called "Heavy Metal Time Machine" would like classic metal/hair metal!
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Dearest axe man,
Actually, I come here for a number of reasons.
1) Mark is a good friend of mine.
2) I have some interest in 80s heavy metal (even hair metal).
3) I enjoy talking about music in general.
4) Mark has a lot of fun participation posts.
5) Reading your absurd posts is like watching a trainwreck. I'm horrified, but I can't keep myself from looking!
Of course, I didn't expect to change your mind. You clearly have limited (or at least very narrow) knowledge of music and my arguments, true as they were, weren't going to make much sense to someone who makes statements like, "The reason that I like 80's bands is because they put out the best kind of music ever!" without any support. A few posts up, I see that hard rock hideout basically says that he sees the point, but still likes what he likes. That's cool. He's not making any ridiculous statements about "best music ever."
Oh yeah, you were the one who suggested I was spoiling it for you. I merely stated that I was only telling the truth.
Well, it seems my work here is done. As Mark said, I like to stir the pot from time to time and that's true. But that doesn't mean I didn't mean what I said, it just means that I was being pretty abrasive about it. I had fun and I hope at least some other people did too. This post sure did get a lot of action. I'll lay off the poor little axe man for awhile.
The only reason that I said that it is the "best music ever" is because I am so passionate about it! Anyone that knows me, will tell you that.
This music is my life, I am only 17, and I bet you I know as much about music as you do!
I am constantly learning more and more about it! I like like other types of music besides "hair metal"! I just am surprised to come here and get bashed like that! This is suppost to be fun!
I guess I won't visit this site as much anymore....
OMG! Break out the Aqua Net... that's going to be so weird, yet cool... Blast from the past.
You goin?
Let's remember it's just music. We may love it, but in the end it's all entertainment and not something to get that upset about. I am still wondering who will headline that last day though now that Twisted Sister won't be doing it.
Whooops, now it is being reported that Twisted Sister will be playing at Rocklahoma. I am sure Dee Snider will be up for it.
It's official. Check it out on the web:
April 20, 2007
PRYOR, OK --- Today heavy metal fans across the nation heard the news they’ve been hoping for from House Of Hair nationally-syndicated radio host and Twisted Sister frontman, Dee Snider.
“It is my distinct pleasure to announce that Twisted Sister will once again be involved with a show that will go down in history. On July 15th, Twisted has just been confirmed as the headliner for the ROCKLAHOMA Festival,” Snider said during his weekly radio show. “Rocklahoma will go down as one of the most momentous concerts of all time.”
Twisted Sister’s ROCKLAHOMA appearance is the band’s only announced North American show for 2007. Twisted Sister, full on with costume, make-up and all five original members --- Dee Snider, Jay Jay French, Mark "The Animal" Mendoza, Eddie "Fingers" Ojeda and AJ Pero --- along with twenty-two bands from that era will appear at ROCKLAHOMA, the largest rock festival of its kind to ever be organized.
“When I tell you that this will be the most incredible line-up ever, you have to believe me. Check it out. Over three days, you’ll have the chance to see so many friggin’ bands that your head might explode --- like that dude in the Judas Priest video,” Snider said, making reference to the 1982 Judas Priest video for “You’ve Got Another Thing Comin.”
Twisted Sister is known for extravagant makeup and shock tactics, as well as for the rebellious mood of their heavy metal music. The band formed in New York in 1976 and played primarily in clubs. The 1984 release of the Twisted Sister’s third album, “Stay Hungry,” brought the band international fame. Videos for the album’s hit singles, “We’re Not Gonna Take It” and “I Wanna Rock” ran constantly on MTV. “Stay Hungry” sold more than 2 million copies by the summer of ’85 and went on to sell more than 3 million copies in the following years. In late 1985, Twisted Sister released their fourth album, “Come Out and Play,” which went gold. Over a span of 30 years, the band released over a dozen albums, including “A Twisted Christmas” in 2006.
Although rumors have been circulating about whether or not band members might retire Twisted Sister, Snider recently put an end to those rumors by discussing ROCKLAHOMA.
“On the Twisted Sister retirement front. Ain’t happening,” he said. “We’re strappin’ on the spandex one more time.”
ROCKLAHOMA, an official Oklahoma Centennial event presented by Rock Fever and Miller Lite, will be held July 13-15, 2007, at the Catch the Fever Festival Grounds four miles north of Pryor, OK just off Highway 69.
Tickets to ROCKLAHOMA are currently on sale and available by calling toll free (866) 310-2288 or online at
Rocklahoma has gone Mobile! If you want your information before anyone else, text Rock to 46786 to receive special offers, promotions, news and updates directly to your mobile phone.
GYPSY PISTOLEROS!! The U.K's Fastest rising rock group!!
We're gonna blow the place apart!! 7,000 copies of the debut album sold in one week!
It's our U.S debut!! TheBritish new wave are coming!!! XX
One cool thing is if this goes festival goes off with good sales and a decent crowd then maybe next year it will get bigger, better, and younger groups to take notice. This is the same area that hosts "Country Fever" and it has grown every year. Living in Oklahoma it's nice to see something that is not country and hopefully this will turn into a big even that eventually evolves into having some old and new bands in the coming years.
Hey Big Bob,
Maybe you should get around to letting go of those LPs and stop holding on to the past!
all i know is the 80's rock/metal music rocked!!!and will allways's just a fact of get a life if ya dont like it...and rock on rocklahoma!!!!!
A lot of the players may be older now but some by only 10 years or so..not exactly ancient... Steelheart will be there on Sunday... Mili (Mik) has an 8 octave voice range..will put his singing up against anyone past or present. Chris Risola on guitar.. once rated in the top 5% of players... I will put their talent up against most of the crap played on the radio today. You want to post something fair wait till you see what a lot of them still have to offer.
i was there....they rocked we partied hard and i was part of some pleasurable 80's rock....allthough ratt needs some work....everybody on the 13th were good...cant wait till next year....maybe some maiden...scorps..or even a van halen reunion or how about some ac/dc,,,,well anyway ....rock-on.....Ron
I was there. It rocked. I read and agreed with many of the negative predictions on this site, so I was going in with fairly low expectations. Before I left, I bought my tickets for next year. And they weren't cheap. Some of the bands had lost it, some were still good. But what I didn't expect, and what was true about this event, was that some of the bands were actually BETTER. Voices had matured, people had sobered up, and learned how to put on a professional show that was better than the one they were capable of doing at age 19. Say what you want about hair metal, but there is an engergy associated with the genre that is sorely lacking almost everywhere you look since 1992. And the people who show up, unlike most people at concerts these days, are there because they sincerely love the music, not to be cool, or be seen, or be junior critics and say how everything sucks. It was a big love fest, and the music (mostly) was great.
I think Britney fox was one of the best 2nd tier bands there, they still look and sound great!
Does it suck to eat your words?
anonymous(last one on the list)-I am sure I was right and this year's show will be the same big joke.
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