Judas Priest-Angel of retribution, 2005

So Rob Halford parted ways with Judas Priest after the Painkiller tour in the early 90's and went on to do Fight and later Halford. Judas Priest seemed to cease to exist for a few years before hiring Tim "Ripper" Owens and returning with Jugulator in 1997. Then they released Demolition in 2001 also with Owens. By that point I think rumors were flying of the inevitable reunion with Halford. Finally Halford returned and they released this album in 2005. I am not very big on either Ripper Owens album and it's not because of the vocals as much as it is the poor songwriting. However Rob Halford had been done fairly well with Fight and Halford and I figured this might be a good a reunion album. I am not going to bother doing a song by song breakdown on this one. I can tell you that only a few tracks here are worth much and none of them are better than fair to decent. My initial reaction was that this album seems very forced, like the band is trying so hard to be their old selves, but it comes across as being rather hallow at times. It's almost like they are trying to force a sound that combines Painkiller, Defenders of the faith and Sad wings of destiny. I gave it a few listens and just couldn't get past that initial thought. I am a big Priest fan and was hoping for this to be good. Even Halford who has been so automatic and providing in the past just seemed to be going through the motions here. The last track "Loch Ness" was almost unlistenable as it just felt like they didn't have a clue. They have to try harder if they want to do a good album. This just sounds like they threw something out there so they could have an excuse to tour and print up new t-shirts to sell. I would like to think they have another good album left in them.However, at this point I don't know much to look forward to their next album. They shouldn't be so concerned about doing a concept and they should just concentrate on making a good metal album because at this point it's been 17 years since Judas Priest have done a good album.
**I will have a non-theme related post up tomorrow and then back to Reunion album week on Friday.
I agree with the assessment Metal Mark. I remember that the song "Loch Ness" completely destroyed the album for me. Spinal Tap could not have written a better parody. The rest of album was uninspiring. It makes me cringe to think that they are doing a concept album based on the life of Nostradamus. It might end up being legendary for all the wrong reasons.
Very well said Mark. I don't think Priest lived up to their potential with this one. Although some tracks are pretty good, others are just ok, and Loch Ness is just plain horrible!
I am still excited about their next album...but I also think that they should concentrate a little less on a concept, and more on making great metal.
I actually enjoyed the song "Loch Ness" although the Nessie idea behind it is corny. It was the only song melody wise that really stuck with me after lsitening to the album. Definitely not a great album but listenable for a few turns now and then. At least the band is back together.
Also agreed--the key word is "forced." This one just sounds like they put too much effort into making it. A few tracks, like "Judas Rising" and "Revolution" work for me, but much of it just trudges along.
Good call, Ray, on the Spinal Tap-ness of "Lochness."
-- david
By far on of their worst efforts...
ray gillen, rip- I just couldn't believe how weak it was.
axe man-I am trying to be hopeful about their next album, but likely I will wait to read some reviews before buying it.
andre-Loch Ness to me was just messy and way off target.
David-When I first heard Judas Rising I though "this might be good if it stays aroudn this level". Unfortunately it went down hill after that.
rockdog-It's in their bottom five albums at least.
I agree with you. This one is almost as much of an embarrassment as Turbo.
I actually have to disagree with you somewhat. You were totally on point with Loch Ness. I didn't care for that song and I still don't. I cringe if Judas Priest makes a bunch of 13 minutes on their next disc Nostrodamus.
I didn't like the Ripper Owens discs either. I think he may do better with Iced Earth. There is a track that has been getting a lot of play with Ripper lately on XM (can't remember the name for the life of me) that is grow on me.
I do however like a bunch of songs on this disc. Maybe it is because XM41, The Boneyard played the hell out of it for a while.
Revolution, Deal With the Devil, Judas Rising, Hellrider are all pretty good. Wheels of fire isn't too bad either.
Bob...come on, this is no where near as bad as Turbo.
Rob Rockitt
Hard Rock Hideout
This is no Turbo. It may not appeal to everyone, but it's not half-assed pop disguised as metal.
Funny ... "Lochness" came up on my iPod shuffle play todya. I made it through about three minutes before moving to the next song ... which, thankfully, was Ratt!
-- david
Let me be clear: I didn't say it sounded like Turbo, just that it should be as embarrassing to the band as Turbo was. It is clearly a substandard product designed strictly to cash in on the moment. Only two albums in their catalog fit that bill.
hard rock hideout-I have tried on several occasions, but this albu just doesn't work. There is no reason this line-up could not have done a better album so I am not going to let them off the hook for doing a shoddy album.
I guess this one works for me, as I usually have it mixed into my playlist. I don't sit through it for an entire listen. I like more than half of the songs on it though.
Maybe I was just hungry for any new Judas Priest tunes with Rob Halford.
I do like it though.
Rob Rockitt
Hard Rock Hideout
Bob: Good clarification ... my bad. My emotions took your comment and ran with it!
-- david
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