Slough Feg-Hardworlder

Cruz Del Sur
This is the sixth album from San Francisco based band Slough Feg. In many ways they sound they are from another time. That time would be somewhere around the early 1980's as they are very much focused on that sound. I think this approach has a big plus side and a small minus. First they are very much as pure of a metal band as I have heard in recent years. They don't waste any notes and their music comes across as being very genuine. In other words, no filler whatsoever.The music is primarily medium to medium fast, but they heap a whole pile of pace changes as they twist and wind their way through the tracks. I love how many of the tracks plunge straight into the mix instead of taking their time to get started. I had a little trouble with the vocals of Mike Scalzi at first because although clean and audible, the style is perhaps more restrained then I normally like. However they have grown on me and perhaps most importantly is that they work with the music so I can't argue with that. The main influences I hear are early Iron Maiden say about 81-84 with those great flowing riffs and a the tight rhythm section playing off one another. I also hear some late 70's-early 80's Thin Lizzy, early Saxon and maybe some pre-"Fighting the world" era Manowar. Now granted someone like myself who constantly writes about music from the past should be thrilled about an album devoted to the past. Well, I am, but I still can't help but wish they blended a little more recent styles in as well just because I think it may add even another level to their music. No doubt that this a fantastic release, but it just seems like they are trying so hard to not let any part of this album sound like it could have been done after say 1983-84. Small quibble though as I have listened to this album almost every day since I got it and my appreciation for it has grown with each listen. I think fans of NWOBHM and classic style early 1980's metal would really appreciate this one.
Bob Vinyl has also reviewed this album over at his blog today so go and check it out
You can find out more about the band on their site
You can also check out their record label
I think we're pretty much on the same page here. They don't bring a lot of new stuff to the table, but they do what they do very well. They seem like a raw Iron Maiden to me and I have no problem with that.
I've just started to check out this band and I like what I hear from "Hardworlder" so far...definitely an old NWOBHM vibe...
Bob-Raw Iron Maiden is not a bad description although I think they have other influences as well.
dschalek-It's mainly a lot like NWOBHM. I think that they have been receiving a lot of positive press for Hardworlder as well.
I don't know much about them, I haven't really listened. Good review though!
Mark, you have to check out their album Traveller. It is one of the best metal concept records that I've ever heard.
Aunt Jackie-Thanks.
Fred-Thanks, I'll have to track it down at some point.
And I have to whore The Metal Minute because I too reviewed this album. It good retro fun. This group really has a hardcore following who believe they're the only real metal band out there.
All of the Slough Feg CDs are worth having. Each one sounds different. They tend to use really weird song structures on some of their previous records. I think Hardworlder is the most straightforward CD that they have released so far. Scalzi's singing is a bit reserved on this one, but on early records, he sings like a lunatic. His vocal delivery combined with the guitars make Slough Feg unique.
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