Scorpions-Humanity Hour 1

New Door
The Scorpions are probably one of the most consistent long running hard rock/ metal bands of our time. They have kept plowing forward over the years despite of line-up changes, label changes and the many changes in style of music is popular at the time. So when a new album is released by them then you know it's likely be good. This release is no exception despite the fact that I hesitated to pick it up at first when I saw Desmond Child's name on the credits. My fears were for nothing though and this album is steadily moving up my favorites of 2007 so far. The majority of the album certainly isn't new territory, but it is comfortable territory. Sometimes comfortable is good because on most of the songs here it just takes a few seconds for the song to pull you in. Now don't get the idea that it's just rehashed material either. The bulk of this album manages to be both familar and fresh at the same time. No small task for sure, but I think the Scorps have taken their sound and added just enough of a modern touch to make it sound sort of new yet their old fans will find plenty to like as well. Perhaps more than anything the new has an excellant flow to almost every single track. There is very little build-up or intros as most songs just charge forward into the meat of the song. That certainly works for me and gives the album a rather smooth feel as a whole. If you are not a fan of the band then there is nothing here that will likely change your mind. However serious and casual fans will likely eat this up because Humanity Hour 1 is a huge helping of the kind of rock that the Scorpions have done so well for so long.
I will have to give it a listen. The album they did with the symphony left me a little cold. But I should be able to forgive this.
I gave it a listen and it sounds good after few bad albums.
This is the positive review I've read. I was always a fan of the Scorps, but lost touch with them in recent years.
I'm going to be reviewing this at my blog as well. I've been really enjoying the record so far and, if you've been a Scorpions fan over the years, this is an album that you'd expect to hear. I want to listen to their last album, UNBREAKABLE, some more for a comparison.
fuzz-The new album is very good.
tj-I like the new album a lot.
Mike-A lot of places have the new one cheap.
Steve-It's nothing new, but certainly enjoyable
This is definately going to land in my "top" albums for the year!
I am glad you like this one too Mark!
The last two Scorpions albums, Unbreakable and Humanity Hour 1 are very good.
I have listened to HH1 a ton(I bought it as an import back in May.)
It has not disappointed me at all. I still give this one regular spins.
It is in my top 10 list at the Hard Rock Hideout.
Rob Rockitt
Hard Rock Hideout
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