Interview with Smashed Alley

Smashed Alley are a glam band from North Carolina. I recently had the pleasure of interviewing bass player/vocalist Fenix Anthony to find out more about this band.
MM-Tell us some about how this band came to be?
Fenix: I'd say that it started w/ 3 guys that just loved the whole look and sound of the 80's galm/sleaze rock bands.Those bands put on a fucking show.Their energy and party attitude was amazing.We wanted to put on the fun rock n roll show that no one else was doing around here.I think the idea when we Kris Klark and I started the band was to create the band that we would want to go see.Just a fun party rock band.
MM-Who are some of your influences?
Fenix: Coke,Jager,Bud light...hahah.musicly bands like (Motley) Crue,Poison,GnR.that kinda stuff.Thats what I grew up listening to.I had an older brother that use to bring home cassette tapes of those bands and blast them 24/7.So while all the other kids in school we're listening to shit like New Kids On the fucking Block,I was rockin out to "Shout @ The Devil".
MM-What are you currently working on?
Fenix: We're about to embark on a nice little line up of gigs starting Feb 16th w/ Rockets To Ruin in Covington GA.& well also be playing Cruefest Atlanta. We're really psyched about that. So we'll be playing out through April. Then we'll be going into the studio for two months to work on our next album.
MM-You are obviously very big into glam bands from the 1980’s. What are you doing with your music that has not been done in glam before?
Fenix: Honestly, nothing haha. We're not trying to make any kind of big statement with our music.I love glam rock & wanted to be in a glam band. Its like the old saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it. "We sing songs about sex drugs & rock n roll. It’s feel good music. Some of our songs may be a little more aggressive than other glam bands. And we you some off time breaks in some tunes.But all in all we're very similar to 80's Icons we look up to.
MM-Why should someone buy your CD?
Fenix: So we can afford booze,hookers & blow.
MM- Tell us about some of the best shows that you have played so far?
Fenix: Vains of Jenna was a great show. Although I think they have some of our clothes. And I have Nikki Kin's Murderdolls T.hahaha.Ya know hair spray & chic pants all look the same .So I guess we left w/ each other shit. They have insane energy onstage. Any time we play w/ Rockets to Ruin is always fun. And there have been some really great gigs that we don’t remember all the details of. But those were some FUN nights.
MM-What is the hard rock/ metal scene like where you are at?
Fenix: There’s a lot of really heavy metal bands & bands w/ a STAIND kind of sound. But there are some really good rock bands too.
MM-Are there any great unsigned bands there that we should know about?
Fenix: Oh,yeah North Carolina has some great unsigned bands.The first few that come to mind are The Fifth,Downfall & Romeo,Pyromatic,Blackwell. Theres alot.
MM-It looks like you have played with several cover bands before. What cover songs do you guys play live?
Fenix: You know,we use to play some Poison & LA Guns.Stuff like that.But we really don't play covers these days.We will be playing a couple of Motley songs @ Cruefest in April.
MM-Is there any difference between young glam bands today and glam bands of the 1980’s? If so then what?
Fenix: I really don't see that much of a difference. I think the new glam bands play this style out of love & respect they have for 80's bands.
MM-Where do you expect this band to be in the year 2010?
Fenix: Dead or in rehab. This is rock n roll. Its sex drugs rock n roll balls to the wall 24/7.That catches up to you sooner or later. Ya know, its the facts of life. And the hazards of what we love.
MM-If someone gave you $15.00 to be used for buying an album that came out in the last two years then what would you buy?
Fenix: Wow. Thats a good question hmmmm...The last CD I got that I can put in and let play all the way trough was "Love Drugs Rebellion" by Rockets (To Ruin) plus if you buy the album that will help their midget porn fund. 'Cause a midget is a terrible thing to waste. And you'll fucking love the CD.
MM-Pick the band from the following pair that you prefer and tell why.
Crash Diet or Vains of Jenna
Fenix: I'll say VOJ, ‘cause we've seen them in action live. And I wanna get my Crue shirt back. haha
Bang Tango or Faster Pussycat
Fenix: Ooooh. That's a tough one. But The T-Army has always supported us & My vocals get compared to Taime a lot. So I'll go with FPC.
LA Guns or Roxx Gang
Fenix: Damn!You're not making this easy are ya? Love LA Guns & was a HUGE Roxx Gang fan growing up. I know I'm in a minority here. But if I could go back to 1988 and see one concert, I think it'd be Roxx Gang.
Guns and Roses or Motley Crue
Oh shit! you're killing me here. Overall I am a bigger Crue fan. But I'd love to have seen the old GnR live. I've seen Crue 100 times.
MM-Is there anything else that you would like to say about your band or your music?
Fenix: Just want to thank everyone that has supported Smashed Alley. All those that have bought the CD,come to the shows & our sponsors.You allow us to play rock star.And for that we are grateful.And if you don't know who Smashed Alley is check us out @
Thanks to Fenix for doing the interview.
As a once avid lover of your music, I was very perplexed to find that the image you relay to your fans is anything but the truth. Strippers and blow- r u serious? All of your wives and girlfriends (which of course you don't want anyone to know about) have you guys by the balls. They are either fake, psychopathic, or two faced people, and they will not allow other females to dance or enjoy your music without trying to "get rid of them". I don't think true rock stars tolerate stuff like that as their music is there passion and they typically love the "Penny Lane's" among us. In addition, the "rock star" lifestyle you claim to know is a joke- are you guys even allowed to drink or smoke? I know not. My recommendation to all of you would be the following; grow some balls, loose the fake bitches, and be REAL with yourself. You guys have too much talent to sell yourselves out.
Smashed Alley killed it in Jacksonville last night.Love the cd guys.
Great show!Come back soon
DUDE!!!Your birday party at Diamond Girls was insane.Them bitches was all dancing to smashed Alley tunes.It was wild.Glad I was there.
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