Trigger the bloodshed-Purgation

Metal Blade/Rising Records
Variety is the spice of life. Have you ever that one? Sure you have, but I am not sure that UK death metal act Trigger the bloodshed are very familiar with it. If they are then they obviously didn’t take it to heart when writing and recording their full length debut. We are given a platter of seventeen (!) tracks of blazing, lighting fast, growling death metal. It actually seemed longer than 17 songs at times and other times it just felt like one big song that went on forever. It was a bit like being on a Merry Go Round that’s going too fast for too long. I get a left with a headache and a sense that this ride went nowhere. They just seem to grab their instruments and hammer away with very little thought pace changes, altering tones or building any type of structure. Now don’t get me wrong, they hit on some decent tones and even squeeze out a few nice bone jarring bursts of thrash. Yet most of that was and far between because too often they seemed so focused on just getting into one mode and just grinding it out until, stop and then do the next track the same way. A few of the later songs were a bit more spread out in style, but by then it was hard to really care that much. I just can’t imagine a lot of people wanting to listen this thing over and over because once was enough for me.
Labels: 2008, Trigger the bloodshed
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