Rush-Snakes and arrows live DVD

Let's see, I guess I should preface this review with a couple admissions on my part so you know where I stand. I am a long time Rush fan, but it's also been a long time since I have been very thrilled with their studio efforts. Last year's Snakes and arrows was no exception as I anticipated it's release and it had some moments, but it was quickly filed away on the back shelves on my collection and it has not seen the light of day in some time. Their playing is still there, but they were once so vibrant and loose and now everything seems far more stiff and even stodgy. Like they have gotten old (okay, they have) and they have taken their sound and us with them. However here is their chance to redeem themselves to some extent in this massive DVD set taken from two performances in Rotterdam, Holland back in October of 2007. The stage for this performance was huge and the crowd are about ready to burst as the show starts. The band does not disappoint, they seem to rise to the occasion and layers of dust seem to have been shaken off. The skill, the energy and the obvious joy they have in playing this music is still very much evident. Admittedly it took me a little time to come around, but they are still masters of their trade or at least they are on stage. Some older bands seem to wander around or be swallowed by such a large stage, but Rush come across like kids who have been inside for far too long being set free to play outside on a sunny day. They make the most of the space and time and pull the crowd along for the ride. Now I would have liked to have heard them perform some more older material as my favorite time in their career was 1975-1981. Still we get some at least some tracks out of the later part of that period sprinkled throughout. Obviously they still have the charm and the touch to their music as they once again work their magic. Some parts are just slightly smoothed out some, but I guess that's just a result of such a large production. The camerawork on this DVD is extraordinary as they manage to take in everything, but also they avoid the fast cuts that too many other live DVDs include. This is certainly a must have for Rush fans as there is much here to enjoy.
Good. I got to see them on the 30th anniversary show a few years ago and the accompanying DVD was exactly the show I saw. I think Rush is basically putting together new music to stay fresh on the minds of people when they hit they road, because live they aim to please.
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