Santana-Multi-dimensional warrior

Santana (the man) has almost unbelievably been working at his legendary career for about four decades. This two disc set includes songs all picked by Carlos Santana himself. Now he has of course released other collections, but this one isn’t a “greatest hits” exactly because we get a few more rare tracks. Santana has also re-recorded several key musical passages and adding new guitar parts. So this is certainly more of a personal collection due to the amount of involvement that Carlos has had. This set is split into two themed discs with the first being vocal tracks and the second being instrumental. This set primarily concentrates on his work from the 80s and 90s with a just a sprinkling 1970s gems. Over the years Santana and his guitar have wound their way through pop, jazz, latino funk and other styles. This is a decent collection that offers a good introduction to his work, but it really only scratches the surface of his whole career. Santana journeyed through a wide variety of styles, but he still always had that unmistakable knack for producing rich tones and pulling so much out of every note. I like the collection, but I get a sense that's it mainly geared towards younger fans due to the selection of more recent material. That's fine since he did have a comeback of sorts within the last decade. However it doesn't really do Justice to his entire career. Still this is a solid set that gives the listener at least a decent idea of the talent of Carlos Santana.
Sounds like something for true fans--recent ones, especially.
What songs had the new passages?
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