Top five albums of 1978

1-Van Halen-s/t
2-Judas Priest-Hell bent for leather
4-Rainbow-Long live rock and roll
5-Judas Priest-Stained Class
Van Halen's debut was quite likely the most important hard rock release of the second half of the 70's. Judas Priest began to chance and come into their own even more. Rainbow released their last good album. Overall a fine year.
***I'll have the list for 1977 up next week.
I'd have those on my list but I'd have to put UFO - Obsession in there also.
VH would not have been on my radar at all. Just never liked them although I respect what EVH did to influence guitarists worldwide. Even though it's a live album, Live and Dangerous would have to make the list. And I'd certainly rank Stained Class higher than HBFL. Powerage RULES.
Agree with all five. If you included live albums, I'd put in Scorpions - Tokyo Tapes. That Van Halen debut was a shocker back then. I remember hearing it and being stopped dead in my tracks, thinking "what in the world?". Simply the best album of the last part of the 70s, I agree man!
Absolutely amazing year for hard rock and heavy metal. Great list, but I would have to second the motion that "Stained Class" is far superior to HBFL. Easily my favorite Priest studio album, with Unleashed in the East being my personal favorite, followed closely by Screaming for Vengeance.
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