Interview with Masterpiece

I must admit that I never heard of Brazil's Masterpiece until I recently had the chance to review their EP “W.A.F.E.”. That was enough to catch my interest though. I had the pleasure of interviewing Régisson Silva to find out more about this band and what they are working on
MM-Hello, please introduce the members of your band and what instrument you play.
RS-Hi there! The current members of the band are:
Denisson Silva – guitar and voices
Régisson Silva – guitar solos
Pedro Bianchi – bass guitar
Thiago Chiarelli - drums
MM-Tell us a little about the history of your band?
RS-The band was formed in 1998 here in the south of Brazil. Since then we keep working, mixing influences from the bands we heard when we started and adding our own stuff trying to make things a little different. Of course we keep changing and experimenting new things, looking for a real formula of a masterpiece. In 2006 we released our first EP called “The Seventh Card” which was very praised by the critics. In early 2007 we have new tunes out, but these songs were recorded in our home studio and there weren’t press copies for that, only on the internet. Exactly in this period Pedro and Thiago joined the crew (the original members are only Denisson and me). Since then we are working strictly together. Oh man they came as a relief to us ‘cause we were fed up of changing members of our line up!
“W.A.F.E.”, the new EP, , came in the end of the last year and it’s bringing us good results! So we hope to go further with the next album.
MM-Who are your musical influences?
RS-Any musician brought different influences to the band but we can say that Metallica, Megadeth, Sepultura and Pantera are our main influences.
MM-Where do you get the influences for your lyrics?
RS-Those bands whose have influenced us in the musical way, did the same about the lyrics. But the main influence is the day by day, we see the things happening during all life and it’s important to write about them. Sometimes it’s not the case to say what is right or wrong, it’s too much relative, just to show what happens can be enough! People need to turn off the TV and start to think more deep and seriously about the things.

MM-I understand that have you have begun work on a full length album. How is that going?
RS-Yes, the project is going well. We have all drums, basses and rhythm guitars done. Now the guys are waiting for me to stop scratching my balls to do the solos lol. After that we will do the vocal parts to end up in that soup opera called mixing and mastering stuff.
MM-Is it going to be all new material or will you be re-recording any songs from your previous releases?
RS-The three songs from the last EP will be re-recorded and also an instrumental song, which was released in that material that wasn’t pressed in CD. All the rest of material is totally new shit!
MM-Any label interest so far? Any idea when it will be released?
RS-We hope to have the job all done before the end of the year, but we are facing some damn problems with schedules to continue that, I believe that the next months we will be back to studio again. About the label, we didn’t receive any offer until now, but we are looking for something to deal.
MM-Is this the only project for you guys or is anyone currently working on any other projects?
RS-I have an instrumental project which takes my name, and I hope to have new songs out very soon. You can find that stuff at
Apart from that I work as a performance musician and guitar teacher here in my country.
Besides their profession the other guys are currently working just with Masterpiece.
MM-Has your writing style changed over the years? If so then how?
RS-I think yes, I’ve been approach that during the years. You know, that’s not my mother tongue so I have to study that to improve my style. Now is easier to hit my goals about metric and etc, although since the beginning I was worried about a formula, trying to do it rhythmically with rimes and whatever. About the context the changes happen naturally depending of what you live, see and feel and how your imagination can put it onto a piece of paper.
MM-Do you listen to different styles of music besides metal? If so then what?
RS-Even though metal is my favorite style I like to listen to very different styles such as classical music, jazz and blues, etc. It depends of my mood.

MM-What is the music scene like in your area?
RS-A piece of crap! Lots of bands and a lack of stages, poor payments (sometimes nothing!), amateur promoters and professionals in general take over the scene.
Apart from that always will have an audience with thirst of metal!
MM-Are there any other great unsigned bands that you would like to mention?
RS-I could mention a huge list here, but I don’t wanna be unfair forgetting some of my friends out of that.
MM-What are some of the best albums that you have heard so far in 2009?
RS-I can’t stand without to mention the last album of Exodus. “Let there be blood” (2008) kicks ass, they revive those old songs giving another breath to them effortlessly. But I spend more time going through old stuff. I like the way the metal used to sound in the 80’s and early 90’s. Although I know the things change, I still like to feel that old atmosphere. Because I believe how deep you go, stronger you grow, like the roots of a tree. Just so you understand how crazy it is, a few days ago I was freaking out listening to some old Scorpions.

MM-Pick the band from each of the following pairs that you prefer and tell why you picked them.
Ok! Preference doesn’t mean exclusivity; let’s keep it clear here hehe! Both of these choices are amazing artists, they all rock and I am a fan of them.
Kreator or Slayer
Slayer – reminds me of my youth and I like the rebellious and violent way they do the simple things.
Anthrax or Overkill
Anthrax – they have that thing some bands spend the whole career looking for. You can recognize them among millions!
Dio or Ozzy
Ozzy – creativity, wildness, good taste and sensibility are some of the main musical traits of this old mad man, and also a damn hand to choose amazing guitar players. lol
Megadeth or Metallica
Too much difficult to me! I can’t choose one or other, because Metallica is my heart and Megadeth is my brain.
MM-Is there anything else that you would like to say about your band or your music?
RS-Yes there is. I would like to thank you for the opportunity and support, and would like to emphasize that we have our debut album coming soon with a complete merchandise package (CD, T-shirts and whatever), so we need that support from you guys, webzines and blogs, fans, sponsors and labels. So please contact us at or by e-mail
Thank you all!
Labels: interview, Masterpiece
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