The Legacy-s/t

Christian hard rock act The Legacy formed back in 1987 and were based out of Columbus, Ohio. They claimed Stryper, Dokken and the Scorpions as influences. I can easily hear those first, but not so much on the Scorpions. They played melodic metal that pulled me over to their camp far more than I thought it would. The guitars are strong and that where hear the Dokken influence as their are some powerful George Lynch-ispired meodies displayed prominently in almost every song. The songs do have a bit of demo quality to guitar sound and I had do some sound adjustments on my stereo to hear them like I wanted to. The vocals are what reminds me most of Stryper as they rather high and not always to my liking, but decent overall. As a whole the Legacy have a polished enough sound that I am surprised that they did not receive more notice back during their late 80's-early 90's run. Their sound is striking enough that I am glad to get to hear their music now even if it is well after the fact. I think they could have used some work with their sound as a whole. Still the potential is there and it's worth a listen for any fan of late 80's hard rock.
Labels: 2010, The Legacy
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