Clash of the album covers
Two covers from Boris.
Flotsam and Jetsam-No place for disgrace

Ozzy-The ultimate sin
***Which cover do you prefer?

Flotsam and Jetsam-No place for disgrace

Ozzy-The ultimate sin
***Which cover do you prefer?
Labels: Clash of the albums covers, Flotsam and Jetsam, Ozzy
This is one of the few times I'll vote for Ozzy for anything, but...well, that cover is...uhhh...well, you know...
No Place for Disgrace
not that I have ever heard this album
The ultimate sin.
The only thing cooler than Ozzy's album cover is the video for the Ultimate Sin single.
Ozzy's, simply because it's got hot female ASS on it, and the other one....well....DOESN'T.
The Ultimate Sin is a pretty HORRID album, though, lol.
Boris did some kick ass art that Molly Hatchet used for album covers, too. Not to even MENTION Frazetta.....
Too close to call. F&J has got a weird homoerotic thing going on, but for christ's sake, the only thing that could possibly distract me from that girl's butt would be Ozzy making that sillyass clown face. For the love of God, ozzy...
Boris Vallejo did both album covers....the Ozzy art is easily the best...the Flotsam art is actually one of my LEAST favorite covers of all time!
The Ultimate Sin.
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