Sin 4 Sin interview

Sin 4 Sin are a hard rock band from the Baltimore, Maryland area. I recently had the pleasure to interview
MM-Tell us a little about the history of your band.
BH-Chainsaw and I started Sin 4 Sin in hopes of bringing on a change in the musical landscape at the time. We shared an interest in writing Big Heavy Metal, so we started a band. We met up with Griff, our old guitar player, pieced together the music, and then played our first show for 98Rock's Noise in the basement series. That was a great night too. I had been going to that thing every Monday for like 3 years trying to find people looking to start a band, and no one ever wanted to. They didn't like the style, or some dumb shit reason of how it wouldn't sell, or that their pussy hurts. Thats when I realized what they meant by calling it the music business, you try to start up your own company (band) and interview people for the job. Anyway, we started gigging out all the time, playing with alot of big name acts, traveling to Texas for Texas Rockfest during SXSW, and partying our asses off. We went through a lot of lineup changes, but I think the starting 5 of this band right now will be set in stone for good. We are all on the same page, we all click very well. Billy, Chuck, Jay, Chainsaw and Myself play music for one common reason- to make people bang their fucking heads and scream as loud as they can. After every set we play, we're always like "holy fuck that was fun"!
MM-Who are some of your influences?
BH-Originally our main influences were Motley Crue, GNR, and Buckcherry, but our current writing style for the next album is greatly influenced by Crashdiet, Reckless Love, and Jett Black. The new stuff is sounding great, and we hope to have 15 or so songs by the end of next year so we can put out a new album.
MM-Tell us about your album.
BH-Our current album is 7 Deadly, the 5 main songs we did at Wrightway Studios in Baltimore, and the two demo songs were done at Oceanic Studios in Bethesda, MD. The 2 demo songs were done in May of 2009, the main album was done a year later. We had about 12 songs written going into it. All the artwork, photos, and designs were done by Una of UP Photo & Design, and the model is actually her sister Ema who wanted to add something new to her portfolio.
MM-What are some of your favorite songs on it and why?
BH-My personal favorite on this disc is Love Vice, only because its my favorite song to play live. The way it flows is just so cool, and Chainsaw's drum solo is pretty diesal, I don't know how he does that beat, I can't even do it with 2 pens on a table!
MM-Who would you love to share a stage with?
BH-Good question, we all have personal favorites of who we would love to play with, but I want to play with the Crank County Daredevils again, those guys are so fucking awesome live. I've never seen anyone put on a better show, and I've seen U2, Van Halen w/ Diamond Dave in '07, The Crue, Axl Rose's cover band, Poison, and a shit ton of others. Crank County all the way. As far as fan exposure, it would be Motley Crue.
MM-Tell us about some of your most memorable shows so far?
BH-The one that sticks out is our very first show at Fletcher's. It was for 98Rock's Noise in the basement series. It was every Monday, and I had been going to that thing every single Monday for like 4 years and got to meet alot of new friends, it was always a great time. Matt Davis, who hosts this event, did us a huge favor and put us on the bill even though we didn't have a pro recording yet. All we had was a shitty practice demo we made ourselves. Anyway, the fucking place was slam packed from wall to wall, it was incredible to see that bar so packed because i've only seen it that way maybe 2 other times with other bands I was friends with. Really cool, wasn't expecting that!

MM-What do you think about the metal scene in general these days? Is it getting better, worse or just sitting still?
BH-I think its doing well, even though there is no prime radio exposure. But the beauty of the digital revolution is upon us, and we will witness the end of the standard big city radio stations. Music genomes such as Pandora but mostly are the future of how we listen to "radio". Stations that play music thats in your musical taste, and throws in a new artist every 6 or 7 spins, thats where its at. And these internet radio stations do a lot for up and coming bands. Ultimately I think the quality of music will get much better since the internet allows convenient worldwide exposure. Someone is always listening.
MM-Rate the Baltimore music scene on a scale from 1-10 with 1 being terrible and 10 being fantastic.
BH-To me, the underground rock scene in Baltimore is an 8. Its really good, but it could be so much more. Its not that the bands suck, its that the trend is off. Mostly the local band show crowds are made up of the band thats playing's friends and members from other bands that are there to support. Nearly all of the bands here support each other. I always go to Noise in the Basement no matter who is playing, and I go just so I can see who's out there in this fight with us. My main agenda is to bring back all the people who flocked to the clubs. In the 80's it seemed that everyone wanted to see a band, and its not like that anymore, not since grunge killed everyone's attitude. All of a sudden we're not having a great time partying our asses off anymore, we're at home broken hearted wanting someone's pity, or wanting to fight everyone for the fucking stupidest reasons. If we can get the masses back out to the rock shows, then we've done our job, and Baltimore receives a 10!
MM-Are there any other promising unsigned bands that you would like to mention?
BH-Loving The Lie, Second Impulse, Eleven 54, King Belvedere- those are my personal local favorites, I think the other guys would agree with me on that.
MM-Where do you hope to be five years from now?
BH-I'm hoping that our songs are featured on popular TV Shows and in Video Games, and that we've already done a National Tour. If not, then we're not working hard enough!
MM-What are you doing that you sets you apart from other hard rock bands?
BH-Getting everyone involved, making everyone yell as loud as they can, drink as much as they can, and hopefully everybody gets laid! We try our hardest to entertain the fuck out of everyone that comes to our shows, and that means jumping into the crowd, shredding on top of the bars, and having at least 3 shirts come off during our set!

MM-If you could only listen to three albums over the next month then what would you pick?
BH-Crashdiet- Generation Wild, Jett Black- Get Your Hands Dirty, and Gemini Five- Sex, Drugs, and Anarchy.
MM-What are some of the best albums you have heard so far in 2010?
BH-Crashdiet- Generation Wild by far.
MM-Pick the band from the following pairs that you prefer and tell why you picked them.
LA Guns or Skid Row
Skid Row, only because Big Guns is one of my absolute favorite songs.
Guns and Roses or Motley Crue
Motley Crue because their reputation was more bad-ass than GNR.
Kiss because their lyrics are a work of art on their own.
MM-Anything else that you want to say about your band, your music or any other topic?
Nope, thanks alot for helping us out, Mark!
-Brandon Hadyen
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