Judge the album cover
The group shot can be tough to pull off. You do too much then you may look cheesey because it looks too posed. Don't do enough and it may just be boring. Here are three album covers with group shots for you to judge.
First up is KISS with the cover of their 1983 albm Lick it up.

Next is Metal Church with their 1989 album Blessing in disguise.

Last is Kreator's Extreme Aggression also from 1989.

***Do you like any of them? If not then are there any hard rock/metal covers with a group shot that you think really work?
First up is KISS with the cover of their 1983 albm Lick it up.

Next is Metal Church with their 1989 album Blessing in disguise.

Last is Kreator's Extreme Aggression also from 1989.

***Do you like any of them? If not then are there any hard rock/metal covers with a group shot that you think really work?
How about Highway to Hell?
None of them are very good. How about Destroyer where they posed on those rocks in from of Armageddon? Isn't that a photograph? Or maybe Love Gun with all those women around? I think that might have been taken backstage.
Out of those, I like the KISS one the best.
Cinderella "Night Songs" has a good cover with the group on it.
None does it for me but Highway to hell cover was pretty good. I like Gwar's covers espcially Scumdogs but it really doesn't count due to all the dress ups.
I never liked albums with the group on them. That's what the back of the cover is for ... or the sleeve.
-- david
I like Metal Church the best of these three. Other group shot covers I like are Highway to hell, Hotter than hell, Skidrow's debut and Faster Pussycat's debut.
Have to go with KISS here but what's up with Paul's hand? everytime I look at this cover I wonder what he's trying to do there. LOL!
Highway To Hell is a good cover. Queen II is one of my favorites.
Heavy Metal Addiction
Not a big fan of the group shot, but Kreator seems to have pulled it off with just enough coolness not to mock them too badly.
RockDog Unleashed - Saturdays @ Midnight Eastern!
I have to say none of the above on this group.
Why is it that Vinnie Vincent is always seen wearing Pink, or is that fuchsia?
Rob Rockitt
Hard Rock Hideout
I like the KISS cover the best. Captures a certain F-U NY attitude. The Kreator is kinda cool and the Metal Church group shot looks like any gang of wayward 80's metalheads getting tanked in the QuikStop parking lot.
The Highway to Hell cover has to be my favorite group shot. The Shout at the Devil individual/group "hookers from hell" look was kinda entertaining.
Also Sabotage was interesting thanks to their bizarre wardrobe choices.
The Metal Church cover looks kind of cool in person because it's so shiny that you see more or less detail depending on how you hold it. If you squint a little at the KISS cover then Vinnie Vincent kind of looks like a middle age women.
I think Metal Church did the 'least bad' group shot--at least the composition was not as boring... It is hard because these kinds of album covers are not my favorite, and you're right about the Group shot.
But yeah, I'll go with Metal Church's cover... Kiss will always rock though!
I agree with David but if I have to pick one, I guess I'll go with KISS because it does seem to express their personalities a bit.
Vinnie Vincent does look like a mafia wife off of the Soprano's.
I don't like any of those, either...
I love that Kreator cover. It's simple, yet effective. It perfectly reflects the angry music within. Lick it Up is sort of hilarious to look at. I like Kiss better with make up.
Ugh, hate group shot covers. One that comes to mind that I always thought worked better than most is Faith Or Fear - Punishment Area - cause its got the big logo that actually takes its shape from being cut off by the band members' heads and shoulders.
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