Hanoi Rocks-Street Poetry

Wolfgang Records
My thinking about vocalist Michael Monroe and guitarist Andy McCoy has always been that everything they have done has seemed genuine. That doesn't mean I have liked every project either of them have been in. Yet I do believe everything they have done has been because it was what they wanted to do. As opposed to the far too many bands who do what they think the public or the media want them to do. Monroe and McCoy have always seemed like the real deal and when they get their creativity going strong as well then look out because they will be on fire. The new album "Street Poetry" is a blaze of 70's glam, hard rock, pop, funk and other styles blended together into a seamless display. I think that prior to this album that a good chunk of the material from this decade was sounding more like Michael Monroe's solo material from the late 80's. I like those albums, but not as much as prime early 1980's Hanoi Rocks. However the new album is very much an album for Hanoi Rocks fans. It's a not a re-hash though by any stretch of the imagination. I think that their sound is extremely fresh despite the fact that it's influenced by various bands from the past several decades. That's always been a plus for this band, the fact that have some truly varied influences yet they have no fear about them together. Hanoi Rocks play with a tremendous amount of fire, soul and conviction on every track on the album. Absolutely no clunkers as every song has something to offer. It's absolutely fantastic to see artists who have been at it for so long still able to bring such passion to their craft while so many of their peers are just going through the motions. An absolutely amazing album that you really need to check out.
Check out their site.
Not only have they been at it a long time, but they've done so without much commercial success while far lesser bands have gone platinum. Even that doesn't grind them down though.
I reviewed this one too. When I got it, I wasn't sure what to expect, but the liner notes looked promising. When I started listening though, it was a lot more than promising. The album far exceeded even my highest expectations.
I will be listening to this one heavily this week, for a review next week. I like this disc a lot so far.
Rob Rockitt
Hard Rock Hideout
Good review Mark...
I've heard their song "Fashion" off of it, and I like it.
I really want to pick this one up!
Bob-Well, without much commercial succes here. They have been big in the UK, Japan and part of Europe. It exceeded my expectations too and I have been a fan for years.
HRH-Looking forward to your review.
axe man-The whole album is fantastic.
I used to love this band back in the 80's, "Back To Mystery City" and "Two Steps From The Move" were great albums, great sleezy/cool image too.
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