Lesser of two evils
It's another edition of "Lesser of two evils" where I take two albums that I am none too thrilled by and match them up. This month it's
Kik Tracee with "No rules" from 1991

Vixen's s/t debut from 1988

Two truly underwhelming releases ready to do battle. So let's compare and see which one is more tolerable.
Vocalists-We have Steven Shareaux for Kik Tracee going up against Janet Gardner of Vixen. Steven Shareaux just tends to go off on tangents at odd times. He's helped a bit by some decent backing vocals at times, but often he just sounds like he's not sure how to sing. Janet Gardner doesn't exactly sing with much power, but her voice is even and in tune.
Point to Vixen
Guitarists-For Kik Tracee it's lead guitarist Michael Marquis and rhythm guitarist Gregory Hex against Jan Kuehnemund and Janet Gardner of Vixen. Both pairs hit some decent solos at times, but not much else. For a genre that really needs the guitar these two bands seem to be providing very little to get excited about. I think Vixen had a couple of solos that I sort of remembered.
Point to Vixen
Rhythm section-We have bass player Rob Grad and drummer Johnny Douglas for Kik Tracee versus bassist Share Pederson and drummer Roxy Petrucci for Vixen. This kind of goes along with the production because Vixen have a smoothed out sound that is ultra-slick and that unfortunately effects the drum sound far too much. Johnny Douglas is merely average, but the sound of the drums is how it should be for a hard rock band.
Point to Kik Tracee
Production/originality-Both albums have fair enough production values, but ultimately Vixen is robbed of any kind of edge. As far as originality goes, it seems like Kik Tracee sound like they once heard G-n-R and Bang Tango and thought they could re-create that sound. However they forgot about the fact that they did not have the talent to even attempt this kind of music. Vixen seem to be having a go at being as completely dull as they possibly can.
Point to Kik Tracee
Who rocks more?-It's a case of the absolutely boring (Vixen) against the thoroughly annoying (Kik Tracee). Vixen wouldn't have had to do a lot to take this one, but they played it far too safe. Neither band could rock themselves out of paper bag, but Kik Tracee do a better job of pretending to be a rock band.
Point to Kik Tracee
I can't believe that Kik Tracee could win anything except a stupid band name competition, but they win this contest 3-2. This was more difficult for me to get through than I figured it would be. Both albums had me looking at the time hoping they would soon be over.
***Only two match-ups left on the year and then it's time to determine the grand stinker in December.
Kik Tracee with "No rules" from 1991

Vixen's s/t debut from 1988

Two truly underwhelming releases ready to do battle. So let's compare and see which one is more tolerable.
Vocalists-We have Steven Shareaux for Kik Tracee going up against Janet Gardner of Vixen. Steven Shareaux just tends to go off on tangents at odd times. He's helped a bit by some decent backing vocals at times, but often he just sounds like he's not sure how to sing. Janet Gardner doesn't exactly sing with much power, but her voice is even and in tune.
Point to Vixen
Guitarists-For Kik Tracee it's lead guitarist Michael Marquis and rhythm guitarist Gregory Hex against Jan Kuehnemund and Janet Gardner of Vixen. Both pairs hit some decent solos at times, but not much else. For a genre that really needs the guitar these two bands seem to be providing very little to get excited about. I think Vixen had a couple of solos that I sort of remembered.
Point to Vixen
Rhythm section-We have bass player Rob Grad and drummer Johnny Douglas for Kik Tracee versus bassist Share Pederson and drummer Roxy Petrucci for Vixen. This kind of goes along with the production because Vixen have a smoothed out sound that is ultra-slick and that unfortunately effects the drum sound far too much. Johnny Douglas is merely average, but the sound of the drums is how it should be for a hard rock band.
Point to Kik Tracee
Production/originality-Both albums have fair enough production values, but ultimately Vixen is robbed of any kind of edge. As far as originality goes, it seems like Kik Tracee sound like they once heard G-n-R and Bang Tango and thought they could re-create that sound. However they forgot about the fact that they did not have the talent to even attempt this kind of music. Vixen seem to be having a go at being as completely dull as they possibly can.
Point to Kik Tracee
Who rocks more?-It's a case of the absolutely boring (Vixen) against the thoroughly annoying (Kik Tracee). Vixen wouldn't have had to do a lot to take this one, but they played it far too safe. Neither band could rock themselves out of paper bag, but Kik Tracee do a better job of pretending to be a rock band.
Point to Kik Tracee
I can't believe that Kik Tracee could win anything except a stupid band name competition, but they win this contest 3-2. This was more difficult for me to get through than I figured it would be. Both albums had me looking at the time hoping they would soon be over.
***Only two match-ups left on the year and then it's time to determine the grand stinker in December.
I can definitely say you picked two hard albums to compare. I'll have to go back and give Kik Tracee a fresh listen but I have to agree that the Vixen debut is slick, average, and underwhelming. Even though it was a commercial success, the Vixen album would be the worst for me. On memory, Kik Tracee wins.....barely.
I really expected Vixen to win this one even though they don't do anything to rise above being completely boring and I struggled to listen myself when I recorded this for you. Granted I don't have a good memory of Kik Tracee, but I seem to remember them having even less going for them. I'll take your word for it though. No sense in both us going through the pain of comparing this crap.
Steve-It was a close one and they are different styles.
Bob-Going in I thought Vixen would win. If it was just ofur or five songs then they may have. However Kik Tracee at least tried even though they were clueless and out of tune. They still attempt hooks and a rock sound. Vixen seem to put their songs on autopilot and just try glide through.
I actually liked Kik Tracee. Not enough to upgrade my cassette to CD, but I still thought they were decent enough. "You're So Strange" "Trash City" and "Big Western Sky" are very memorable to me. Their awful cover of "Mrs. Robinson", however, is not...
Vixen at least was easy on the eyes. Kik Tracee had no redeeming value at all.
Pete-Their Field Trip ep is better than No rules for what it's worth.
T-bone-Fortunately for Kik Tracee their looks were judged in this competition.
I have to admit that I loved that Kik Tracee album! I'm glad they prevailed.
I practically want to vomit when I see the Vixen cover. I have been force fed far too many Vixen tunes by XM radio's Boneyard over the last year.
I have grown to hate this band.
I will pick Kik Tracee.
I've never heard either of them... I'm a shame to all rockers everywhere. ;)
rockdog-They generally seem to have gotten good press back then. I think they emerged to late to cash in like so many other bands did.
HRH-I had not heard this album in maybe 17 years. Now I remember why.
Captain Corky-You are not missing anything.
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