Scarlet Violet-Ready to rock

Self – produced demo
This glam band from Milan, Italy formed back in the fall of 2005. Their five song EP is of fairly good sound quality and the music is certainly promising as well. They are more guitar heavy than a number of bands playing this style and that certainly works to their advantage. I was also impressed by the guitar solos which were far above the norm as a number of glam guitarists tend to struggle in this department. Not only did the solos sound very energized, but there was also a good sense of rhythm to most of them. The vocals have a deeper sound that reminded me a little of say 80’s Alice Cooper and Diamond Rexx vocalist Nasti Habits. Musically they sound like a real mixture of numerous 80’s bands, but they also sound like somewhat current Swedish glam revivalists Crash Diet and Loud n’ Nasty. Scarlet Violet have a certain amount of grittiness to their sound and that certainly appeals to me. The only problem I had was that a song or two tended to overstay it’s welcome and they probably could have ended thirty seconds sooner and that would have made those tracks a little tighter. That’s a minor complaint though as overall this demo certainly showed the band’s ability.
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