Interview with The Devil and the Sea

The Devil And The Sea are from Louisiana and they recently released an album called Heart vs. Spine on Acerbic Noise Development records. I recently interviewed bassist/vocalist Ryan Pankratz to find out more about this band and their album.
MM-Tell us about how and when this band formed?
RP-Dave and Shane started this mess of noise about 3 years ago when their former band "Machinist" was booked to play a show and some of the other guys couldn't make it so they just decided to do it anyway. Shane and Dave were both guitarists in Machinist, but since their drummer couldn't make it, Shane decided to give it a go. After that they decided theywanted to make songs that way and their friend, Chud, a fellow tattoo artist joined up on second guitar. About a month later I joined up on bass and this bastard was officially birthed. About 2 or 3 months after that Chud stopped playing with do to some personal complications. We went through about 6 zillion name changes because everything is already a great band somewhere...
MM-Some of you guys were in Icepick Revival (At A Loss Records) and Collapsar (Escape Artist Records). How is playing in this band different from those previous bands?
RP-Well... We don't have to lubricate our thinkin' parts as much... With this band we wanted to drive the point home instead of confusing the hell out of people. And we want to do that very loudly.
MM-What has been the response to your album so far?
RP-Pretty damn good... We have some reviews posted up on our myspace page. We have a couple interviews coming out soon... One in Unrestrained! And one in Decibel... So I guess somebody somewhere is listening. Turn it up!!!
MM-Who are your musical influences?
RP-Man... It's all over the place really... Anything from Hank Williams Sr. to Agoraphobic Nosebleed. Otis Redding to Nightstick. Bjork to Napalm Death to Black Flag to Marvin Gaye to Yob to Willie Nelson to Taj Mahal to Buried At Sea... Etc. etc. etc.... Oh, and I have to say this, "Dave likes Crotchduster."
MM-You have three tracks on your album that are ten minutes or more in length. Did you set out write a longer song or do you have an idea and it just develops into that length?
RP-I don't know... I've always liked epic, long sagas... Even when I was playing in Icepick Revival, we had songs that were 8-10 minutes long. Sometimes a musical idea just needs a good long span to unravel... Like clippin' a dook...
MM-Where do you get the inspirations for your song topics?
RP-Some of 'em are somewhat serious things, like real life issues and some of 'em are complete mockeries of those things, just to make sure we're not taking ourselves to seriously... And sometimes it's just complete nonsense. Like "Tea Pinky," that shit makes no sense... But it's one of my favorites. Everybody now, "get bent you fucks!!!!"
MM-You have a number of tour dates coming up in Louisiana, Texas and out west. Any chance you will come to the east coast this year?
RP-Yeah, we have a good little 16 days worth of shows coming up... Going up to Seattle and back for SXSW in Texas and then back home to good ol' shitfuck Louisiana...Our next outing will be to the east... I can't wait. I hope it's sooner than later.
MM-On your Myspace page under the sounds like section it says "soundtrack to walrus porn". Where did that come from and how would you describe your sound?
RP-Hmmmm... I don't know, I just threw that up there because it seems like a good walrus porn would need some big, loud and sludgy jams keepin those fat bastards pumpin, ya know?
MM-How would you describe your live show? Do you play any covers live?
RP-Oh. Mah. Gawd. It is awesome... Just kidding, In all seriousness, we focus on keeping things moving along. Not a lot of talking or any of that shit. Less talk, more rock. Hit 'em and quit 'em... We have done one cover... We did "Blockbuster" by The Jesus Lizard. 'Shits fun...
MM-What current bands do you like?
RP-I've been listening to a lot of Electric Wizard lately... Some Dove here and there... Maybe a shot of Middian. I'm waiting on a copy of the new "Let The Night Roar" from Atlanta... Those guys are sick...MM-What's your favorite Dolph Lundgren movie?
RP-Universal Soldier!!!
MM-On your bio (on your labels site) there was a mention that you had to replace a few thousand dollars worth of equipment that couldn't hold up. Were you guys that harsh on the equipment or what is that story about?
RP-I think I am just an electronically cursed person... Don't loan me your gear, you'll never see it alive again... 5 ampegs SVT's in a row, within 3-5 months. No shit, 5 of 'em up in smoke...
MM-So what is the music scene like in Lafayette, Louisiana?
RP-It's like a box of chocolates.... Mostly the crappy, coconut or pink filled ones, but every now and then you get caramel!!!!
MM-Pick the band from the following pair that you prefer and tell why.
Isis or Pelican
I choose old Isis. Mosquito Control and Celestial!!! Yeah... Real long pretty stuff where you can tell your listening to impeccable musicians starts to bore me pretty damn quick...
Cathedral or Electric Wizard
Durrrr... Electric Wizard "we live!" I don't really know why but I could never really hold Cathedral down. It gives me the icky stomach... Electric Wizard is the elixir of the gods...
Fu Manchu or Roadsaw
Whatever... Don't know nothing 'bout this... This is "stoner rock" right? I'd rather talk about Kyuss if we're gonna burn one...
Black Sabbath or Deep Purple
YES!!!! I'll take both.... Fuck yeah, fuck yeah, fuck yeah!!!!
MM-Is there anything else you want to say about your band or your music?
RP-Uhhmmm... Come check out the songs on our myspace page, leave us some comments with pictures of titties and beer soaked wastedness... if what you hear tickles your special places, then order up a copy of our debut album, "Heart Vs. Spine" on Acerbic Noise Development. stay fucking awesome out there world....
-Thanks to Ryan for doing the interview.
Labels: interview, The Devil and the Sea
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