Saturday, April 12, 2008

Children of Bodom-Blooddrunk


Have you ever had a mustard and strawberry jelly sandwich? No, me neither. That would be something where I like the parts individually, but I am not thrilled about combining the two. Now the new Children of Bodom isn't quite unappetizing as that sandwich, but they play parts that are solid individually because they are decent players, but the parts don't really fit together that well. There's a difference sounding diverse and sounding odd and there can be a thin line between the two. Children of Bodom kind of flip flop between being pleasantly diverse and being not so pleasingly odd. They have elements of death, thrash and progressive metal and the blending is minimal. The parts seems to be more separate and for that's just not as effective. The band definitely has more thrash parts on this effort than I was expecting which good, but the death and progressive parts although decently played were oftentimes scattered in how they were arranged. I like the energy and they waste no time in charging at the material with a great of confidence, but it just comes across as being more awkward than I was hoping for. It's almost as if they are trying so hard to do so many things that the end product suffers because it just doesn't feel like it's quite complete.

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