Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Eternal Descent-The Phantom of the opera


I have loved comic books since I was about six and heavy metal since I was about twelve and I am sure that I am not alone in my love of those two outlets. Anthax had success writing about heavy handed indie 80's indie comic icon Judge Dread on their song "I am the law". Joe Satriani had Marvel's galactic traveler the Silver Surfer on the cover of his 1987 release "Surfing with the alien". Eternal Descent perform songs that encompass comic characters and in this case their characters Loki and Lyra are depicted as the Phantom and Christine for this CD single. Eternal Descent claim to weave elements of metal, industrial, ambient and experimental music fused with romantic filmscore arrangements. The clinks, rumbles and hums of music presented here are much too tame to be industrial or ambient and far too controlled to really be experimental. So that leaves romantic filmscore arrangements and metal as the most likely possibilities towards describing the sounds presented here. I hear filmscore, but it's like a 1990's film that was probably straight to video and the metal elements are really just rather unemotional noodlings that would work better as background for a video game (albeit 12 or so years ago) than they would on this release. If this was an animated movie and the music was used just for that purpose than it still wouldn't be very impressive, but at least I could understand their motive a little better. This just comes as misguided and hokey plus I am not sure who would really be into this. Maybe projects like Trans-Siberian orchestra have caused some people to believe that anything can and should be set to metal of some sort. Even though I am all for exploring new avenues in metal, I don't think every idea will work. The other two tracks on here are instrumental and they are somewhat tighter, but not a whole lot more thrilling. It's still comes acorss as mediocre theme music with decent production values. It seems to be a good example of trying to appeal to different groups and not really doing to appeal to anyone.


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