Sound and Fury

Rebel Youth
The 1970's was in many ways such a great decade for music partially because of the energy and the attitudes, but also because so much had yet to be musicly. So you had a number of bands hitting upon new ideas and exploring new avenues. Thirty some years later it's often difficult for a band to copy the music of the 1970's and have it seem fresh or particularly engaging. That seems to be what Toronto's Sound and Fury are up against on their self-titled debut. The 70's hard rock influences are obvious and abundant plus there are some punk influences as well although they are a bit more spread out. There are several tracks where they manage to tap into a fairly fresh approach on old ideas just due to a whirlwind arrangement and acting they really mean what they are tryingto accomplish. However all too often the sound just kind of dissolves into sounding rather like run throughs of AC/DC style rock with very little style or ideas of their own. Besides AC/DC I can hear some Ted Nugent, Ramones and other influences mixed in on certain songs. It just seemed like the explosive songs were few and far between which is a shame because they handled them well. The impression I gathered that were content to put sit back and glide through a bit too many run of the mill style songs that really lacked the personality that their best songs contained. The production was very strong and they laid out some good ideas, but in a crowded field the album overall didn't quite do enough to really grab my attention.
Labels: 2008, review, Sound and Fury
I'm interviewing these guys on Tuesday. I too heard the AC/DC connection (hard not to) and Ramones as well
Ray-They are touring with Airbourne soon so it will be like two acts trying to be AC/DC.
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