Reflection-When shadows fall

Cruz Del Sur
I hate it when I can't remember something, but usually there is a reason for my momentary lapses in memory such as being preoccupied or tired. Now what does my lack of memory have to do with this album or any album? Well, I set out to review this album by Greece's Reflection days ago and ended up listening to the whole disc four times. I wish I could say that it was because this album was so riveting that it pulled me back to it repeatedly, but that unfortunately was not the case. I would listen to the disc and then a little while later go to set fingers to keyboard and I would draw a blank. It was metal, I remembered that yet I just couldn't summon up enough of what went on to write a review. So by the fourth time I concentrated and I realized that the reason I couldn't recall much it's a rather forgettable album. I don't mean it's totally bad, but rather that it's all kind of plain and just lacking enough character or hooks to really make any impression. The music is kind of a cross between early progressive metal like Queensryche and Fates Warning and a little bit of 80's classic metal. The guitar tone is fine, but it's kind of drawn out and I kind of sit there with my mind starting to wonder off and I hoped they get to the point or any point soon. Sometimes they would get somewhere, but oftentimes it's just kind of there. Some powerful vocals may have been able to pull them out of the pit, but the vocals are kind of overly theatrical with mediocre range and more ham than range. I get a sense that Reflection had big ideas about constructing some grand epic tracks yet they just didn't have the skills to pull it off. So we get a rather hollow sounding release that takes a great deal of effort to make it through. Quite honestly in the end it certainly wasn't worth the effort either.
Labels: 2008, Reflection
Probably you're deaf!!!!Hahahaha!!!!
What Queensryche and Fate's Warning you're talking about?
Maybe you ignore bands like Candlemass,Memento Mori and Solitude Aeturnus...These are the the main influencies of the band.
I've been watching these Greeks since 1998 and believe me they have nothing to do with Queensryche!!!
From the samples I heard on myspace I believe that the new album is a step further than "Odyssey" (their previous).
I suggest you to listen to some Candlemass and Memento Mori stuff though...
Markus J.
anonymous-I write about what I hear and I stand by it. It was a bit too thin to really have much to do with doom. Though I am very well aware that they have been labeled as doing that style, but that didn't really come through here. Just an okay album.
Sorry for my sarcasm before,but I'm in the same position with these guys (and many other bands like this) as a member of an underground band too.You are a person that gains lot of respect and many people are reading you daily.I'm watching you too for a long time now.I red the review mostly from curiosity although no matter what I'm gonna buy the CD anyway.
Next time maybe my band will be on their position and I wouldn't like it for us too.You didn't mention from the beginning that "Just an okay album".I had to write a comment for that!And finally on this issue of Terrorizer mag. there is an article about these guys (which is probably rare due to the nature of the magazine).We can't be all deaf!
Doom on!
anonymous-I respect your opinion and certainly appreciate you defending bands you like. I tried and this album just didn't make much of an impression on me. It's just a matter of different opinions and different tastes.
"Greece's REFLECTION has been releasing albums since 1992, yet its debut for traditional metal powerhouse Cruz Del Sur may be the one that pushes the name to the world stage. The act refers to itself as "Hellenic epic/doom metal" and the style heard on "When Shadows Fall" is in fact doomy, but the epic metal part is even more appropriate, although not in a RHAPSODY OF FIRE/BLIND GUARDIAN sense.
The songs are not of the 10-minute variety, nor does REFLECTION toss everything but the kitchen sink into the arrangements. Rather, the tracks are conventional from a verse-chorus-verse standpoint with several melodies that are at least competent and a handful that are outright persuasive (e.g. "Mistress of Sea", "Ghost Ship", "Kingdom of Fire"). The riffs are meant to impact without requiring deep thought. The soft keyboards of Iraklis Loukakis are mainly for atmosphere and melodic accent, and the backing/harmony vocals are of the choral variety, collectively giving the album its "epic" feel. It is in the subdued pacing (slow-to-mid-tempo) and the flowing, marginally operatic mid-range of vocalist Leo Stivala that gives the album its ceremonious shades of doom.
Stivala's vocals do take some getting used to. His singing has a way of initially seeming odd and eventually getting under your skin (in a good way) when the realization hits that his style actually enhances the melodies, rather than detracting from them. And that in large part sums up the album; it is one that doesn't really take hold until the third or fourth spin. Although the long player never really lets loose in a classic heavy metal manner (again, the approach is more of an unobtrusive one), the album does have its muscular and moving moments. "Eyes of the Night" has an Iommi-esque riff and a delivery that reminds of the more grandiose, Tony Martin-era BLACK SABBATH, while "Soul Salvation" has a stout riff/rhythm and the kind of melancholic tunefulness that arises when the guitar solos and harmonies launch. The closing track is an orchestral rendition of "Mistress of Sea" with operatic vocals that comes off convincingly.
Spend a little time with "When Shadows Fall" and chances are you will end up going back to it. As incurious as you may feel in the beginning the tunes have a way of sneaking up on you and sucking you back in. Most will find the disc to be a refreshing change of pace.
- Scott Alisoglu"
I got the album and it's exactly the opposite from what you describe!
I totally agree with the previous guy.
James Corb
anonymous-Opinions vary and not everyone enjoys everything or maybe some people do.
I realy do not understand where did you listen Queensryche and Fates Warning in Reflection music!!! Try to listen to Candlemass, Memento Mori, Solitude Aeturnus and Sorcerer first and then review the album!!!
a)I stand by my review
b)Using exclamation marks doesn't make comments more meaningful
c)It's actually spelled "really'
Thanks for stopping by though.
Even if realy is spelled really that doesn't change the meaning of my question ... where did you find Queensryche and Fates Warning elements into a epic/doom metal album such as When Shadows fall! (I still continue typing exclamation marks!!!). And I believe this happens because you haven't heard of bands like Candlemass and Solitude Aeturnus.
Chris-You can believe what you want, doesn't make it right. I gave this album a fair listen, actually several plays and reported what I heard. Period, that' it, it really is that simple. Thanks for increasing my hit count though.
Well, this album is very a very bad one. I'm a huge Candlemass and Memento Mori fan and I can't even understand why "Markus" compares this band with them. I'm sorry but fans of real doom won't like this stuff...
Hi to all!I don't believe that this is a crappy album nor is a masterpiece.I found it...good.
I think that you need a little time with it.
I'll disagree with Paul.I found many similarities with Memento Mori (I'm a fanatic fan too!)..but finally it's a matter of personal taste.That's the meaning of music.Everyone has his personal opinion-although I believe that songs like Ghost ship,When Shadows Fall and Soul Salvation are fine examples of the doom/epic metal genre.
I've heard many bands that advertise themselves as doom or epic but I believe these guys-my personal opinion-have potential.
Thanx for the space Mark and keep up the good work.
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