War of Ages interview

Heavy metal/hardcore act War of Ages have been going it at for some time. They recently released their latest effort "Arise and Conquer" on Facedown records. I had the pleasure of interviewing vocalist Leroy to learn more about this band and their new album
Hello, tell us a little about the history of your band?
Steve, our lead Guitarist, and I started WOA in 2003. A friend of mine mentioned one day Steve was looking for someone to jam with. I asked Steve, that day, if we could get together that night. We wrote our first song in about an hour at our first practice. The rest is history haha!
Who are some of your musical influences?
It’s different for every member in our band. Steve, Branon, and Tj hold down the metal side of things with bands like Soildwork, In Flames, Iron Maiden, old Metallica, and Behemoth to name a few. Alex and I hold down the hardcore end of things with bands like Earth Crisis, xDisciplex a.d., Shockwave, Buried Alive, and Hatebreed.
Tell us a little about your new album “Arise and Conquer”.
This album is an artistic collaboration of every struggle we’ve been through individually. We’ve just expressed this in different ways, both musically and lyrically.
What are some of your favorite tracks on the new album and why?
Each track acts as a reflection of something I’ve gone through in my life and to be honest I don’t have a favorite track this time around I like all of them. Every member of WOA feels the same way I do.
Instead I’ll explain one track that I find most important. The first song on the album is called “All Consuming Fire”. This title is referring to the power of the one and only living God. We’ve all felt pain before and during those times we might even feel helpless. God is All-Powerful and he’ll never leave our side. We just need to have faith in His Son Jesus Christ.
How did the writing and recording go? Did you approach this album any differently than on previous albums?
We approached this album way different than our previous albums. Every album we’ve released in the past we wrote under a microscope. By microscope I mean in our minds what would be consider as “culturally acceptable” without allowing ourselves to stray to far away from truth. In other words what would sell better! Sometimes we allow our human nature to take over what our hearts are telling us do. It makes me angry that we’d allow fear to creep in to something that’s supposed to be so passionate. “Arise and Conquer” is straight to the point both musically and lyrically. This album is exactly what we wanted to say and play!! As far as recording goes we had both a producer and a large amount of time, which were two elements that were non-existent in the previous albums.
Let’s say someone had never heard your music before and could only afford one album then which one would you recommend and why?
“ARISE AND CONQUER” ALL THE WAY! If you want to know what War of Ages is all about both musically and lyrically than “Arise and Conquer” is your jam.
You seem very passionate about your music and the messages in your lyrics. Is it difficult to deliver that kind of energy and spirit night after night?
If I said no then I’d be lying. The truth is touring most of the year along with playing shows almost every night is very taxing on our souls. What it all comes down to is passion. God gave us these gifts and talents and he can take them away just as fast as they’ve been given. Right now the passion to use our talents as WOA is flowing, so as a gift to God we play for Him.

Would you call yourself a Christian band? Do you think labels like that are necessary for music or not?
Yes, we call ourselves a Christian band. It’s our human nature to name and labels things. We’ve been doing it since the dawn of time. I wish this wasn’t the case in the music realm, but I feel identity gives people a sense of security. If I were wrong you wouldn’t be asking me this question, because no one would care. You see?
How do you keep yourselves motivated and on track?
Well it depends, are we talking musically or spiritually? Both are equally important and run parallel with each other. War of Ages shares one common goal between each of its members and that’s to serve God with all our hearts. We have daily devotionals to keep ourselves motivated and on track. Our devotions lead us to many discussions, which is very important for relationships. Our lines of communication are always open with each other. If there’s a problem we address it quickly and in a loving way. We’re very close and would do anything for each other. Everything falls into place for us musically because we work very hard as a team for our goal.
In what ways has this band changed since you first started out?
In the beginning we were young kids in a band trying to play music in order to gain the respect of fans. Now we’re men in a band playing praise and worship for our father in heaven.
In what areas would you like to progress or improve at?
I’d like to improve Spiritually. I realize now that God put me here to help save lives and share His life story in my own way. He carried me through every obstacle in my life. It’s time for me to give back what He deserves and that’s Worship!
What have you not done in you music career that you still hope to accomplish?
I stopped caring about goals musically a long time ago. But if I had to list one I’d like to us scan over 100,000 records.

What have been some of your most memorable shows so far?
I’d have to say any one of the Fests we play each year. Tons of kids come out to support us each year. It’s an amazing experience to say the least.
What should someone who comes to see you live expect?
A heavy and energetic live show!
What do you think are some of the best albums of 2008 so far?
I’ll list my top 5 starting with my favorite:
1.) As I lay dying- An Ocean Between Us
2.) Take It Back- Can’t Fight The Robots
3.) Thieves and Liars- When Dreams Become Reality
4.) Austrian Death Machine- Total Brutal
5.) The Glorious Unseen- Tonight The Stars Speak
What are some of the best things about the metal/hardcore scene in general these days?
I like how much it’s grown over the years. The opportunity to see your favorite band in your hometown is far greater then it used to be. There’s far more opportunities for bands than before.

What are some of the worst things about the metal/hardcore scene in general these days?
The metal and hardcore scene is way over saturated with bands. Touring is much harder then it used to be. Gas prices are higher than ever before and money for touring is spread way to thin across the board. To many bands and too many tours--there just are’t enough kids or money.
Is there anything else that you would like to say about your band or your music or anything else?
Labels: interview, War of ages
nice score, man
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