Wild Machine

Wild Machine hail from Athens, Greece and originally formed way back in 2000 as War Machine (taken from the KISS song of the same name). They went through various line-up changes and eventually a name change as well. This three track demo by this hard rock/glam outfit was recorded live in the studio. My initial impression is that sounds like late 70’s AC/DC as funneled through 80’s acts like Krokus, Motley Crue, Guns and Roses with maybe a dash of early Skid Row tossed in for good measure. The music is basic, but revolves around strong grooves and a real sense that the band is in the driver’s seat. Yes, I have heard this style many times before yet where Wild Machine really excels is in how they take charge of the pace and twist it to their strengths. Many bands playing this same of music just charge forth, peak early and then clock in three and a half or so minutes and stop. Wild Machine head off in that direction, but instead of falling into being repetitive they actually even get more interesting several minutes in as they add as they change up the pace or save their most interesting guitar parts towards the end. The rip roaring solos and strong push at the end of each song gave me the sense that they had a lot of ideas and just really knew keep the songs pounding and keep their pulse going strong to the finish. The vocals were rough and gritty which was a perfect union for the music. Really the only problem I had with this demo was the production on the vocals. I had to go jump through three CD players and twist and flick numerous switches to get to a point where I could really hear the vocals fairly well. That’s a shame because they are very much a big part of this band’s appeal. Still they took rather standard ideas and beefed them up with a commendable execution and a nice degree of style.
They sound cool. Thanks for the head's up.
Racer-These guys had it down pretty good. It would be interesting to see what they can down on a full-length album once they get to that point.
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