
Exile on Mainstream
Germany's Flu.ID released a few 10 inch records and they all sold out. So they decided to re-mix, re-master and slide in some electronic interludes into the product. The band also put in some bonus tracks for good measure. They might just be oddball enough to get the experimental label slapped on them, but that wouldn't be my opinion. The styles here include hardcore, death metal and all kind of chirps, squeaks and other spare parts tacked onto this somewhat misshapen monster. While I was listening to this album I kept thinking about how in high school every school would have a kid a would come in looking or behaving differently. If they did it because it was they really wanted to do then they really were cool or at least respected to some extent. Then you would have a kid would do something they thought was "unique". Unfortunately they didn't do it because it came natural, but instead they did it because they just wanted everyone to think they were cool. Well this album falls into that second category. It's not bad, but it certainly seems forced and nothing seems to come natural for them. The odd noises and tempos seem more awkward than anything else. I can almost picture them in the studio saying "oh, we have been playing the heavy parts for a while now it's time to put something weird in". The playing is fine, but the arrangements just fall flat more times than not. Flu.ID are capable of hitting on some real moments, but you have to wade through far too many tedious and dull patches to get to the gems.
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