Clash of the album covers
Here you go.

Aerosmith-Get your wings

New York Dolls-s/t
***Which cover do you prefer?

Aerosmith-Get your wings

New York Dolls-s/t
***Which cover do you prefer?
Labels: Aerosmith, Clash of the album covers, New York Dolls
Is this clash of the album covers or clash of the big-lipped singers? I'm going with Johannsen. He has both Tyler and Jagger beat in that department.
As for the covers, I'll go with the Dolls. They just take a better group picture, because they were so over-the-top. Plus, their logo is a lot cooler than Aerosmith's.
I'll go with 'Smith...I like the darkness of it.
I think I would have to take the Dolls just because their outrageous appearance adds some more to the cover.
I'll go with the Dolls. Pure glam and a cool logo. Aerosmith's better covers in the 1970's are the ones without the band on them.
I'm going conservative and choosing 'SMITH...I just feel the torment of S.O.W. from that group pic.
The Dolls, just for its shock value in its time and place
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