Saint-Crime Scene Earth 2.0

This album was self-released just two years ago, but now this version has new artwork plus it has been re-mixed and partially re-recorded. I always kind of liked Saint back in the 80's. Stryper got more attention for supposedly being "christian metal" for putting out radio friendly, sappy songs, but Saint were more concerned with playing metal and getting their message across than they were with album sales. This album is based around 80's classic style metal. However there is a major problem with this album and that's the effects that are all too often added to Josh Kramer's vocals. I don't know if this was intended to add something to their sound or not. All it really does it make Kramer sound like Rob Halford singing into a drinking glass or it may be Tim Owens singing a glass. The effects deprive the vocals of any power they could have and serve to dampen the overall sound and hold back much of the energy that could have been present. The music manages to make up for the above to some extent. It's very Judas Priest influenced metal that heavy on rhythms although not too big on pace changes. Even the music isn't allowed to just burst forward. The drums frequently have a tin-like quality and the guitars could have come up in the mix. I am not sure what overall sound they were shooting for, but the ideas only serve to restrain their material rather letting them hit their potential. There are some strong moments, but too often I was having to strain to hear parts or change settings on my CD player to hear it well enough. What a shame because I think this could have been a good album.
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