How I was saved by the Exploited

The Exploited's forth studio album the 1984 release "Horror epics" is one of the finest hardcore albums ever. Full of attitude, severely dark and heavy as a ton of bricks. I have had it on vinyl for years, but just got it on CD for a low price. Yesterday I was coming from a meeting and going back to work in the rain. A van had been riding close behind me for a long time. I had the Exploited cranked up and was completely into it. I was less than 1/2 mile from work as I approached a bend in the road. I looked ahead and saw a red car in the other lane. Amidst the chaos and anarchy pouring out of my speakers a little voice in my head said "that guy is driving too fast", but I was into the music. As the guy passed me I realized he was out of control and sliding fast, but because I was into the songs I hadn't noticed what he was doing and just kept driving normal. Then I heard the loud CRASSSSSHHHHH and looked in the rearview mirror as the red car slammed into the van behind me. If the Exploited's Horror Epics hadn't have pulled in my total attention then likely I would have hit the breaks earlier and the crazy driver would have nailed me hard. Then again if the jerk in the red car hadn't have been speeding going into a bend on wet roads then there wouldn't have been any accident at all.
Labels: bad drivers, car crash, The Exploited
i never really checked them out but will based on your recommendation. i'm very picky about what hardcore/punk that i listen to. gbh, jfa, circle jerks, cromags, reagan youth, dead kennedys, black flag are pretty much the only ones i can stand.
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