Sunday Metal Funnies with WarMinister-Out of the ashes

First off the band name WarMinister doesn't exactly flow so well and it's a little odd, but the real crime is the cover. It's so goofy I don't know where to start. Oh, let's begin with the background. It looks like they did it on graph paper because you can see the squares. Then the dude looks like a cross between he-man and Thor (the Canadian singer not the Norse god). Only he is standing like he is trying to keep from crapping in his pants or maybe his briefs are on too tight. Even the land looks funny like he is giant standing above a little canyon. The guy must feel cramped by the tiny surroundings too because he is tarting to step out onto the border. I don't know what fifth grader they got to do this or how much they paid him or her, but I am sure they paid too much. Oh, well it could have been worse. Well maybe not.
Labels: Sunday metal funnies, WarMinister
That cover sucks worse than the band's name !
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