Abscess-Dawn of inhumanity

Long running death act Abscess crank out their eigth album and although not bad it left me unsatisified in many ways. It's heavy and they try to switch the pace around some and they stick to some standard influences. They attempt to mix death with hardcore and thrash. The main problem is the results are dull. For a band that has been around as long as they have Abscess seemed to have lost sight of how to be dynamic or create major hooks. As it stands this album was repitious and left me feeling rather dry at the end. Like all the life had been sucked out of me while I stuck with it to the end hoping it would get better. They are tying hard to incorporate numerous sounds into this, but diversity doesn't help if there are not sparks. That's how this album strikes me. The mix in different styles, but none of them help when they are generic like this. Most of the parts sound like Abscess dumbed it down with simple versions of death, thrash and hardcore. Unfortunately that doesn't work, but it just makes the album feel even longer. Several songs start out with promise, but they never follow up and instead just put it in neutral and try to glide through taking no chances. Not terrible, but not nearly what I was hoping for.
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