Interview with Skull Hammer

I first heard Skull Hammer a few years ago on their "Fear the truth" EP and was certainly impressed, but their new album"Pay it blood" floored me right away. Now I had the pleasure to talk vocalist/guitarist Steve "Ace" McArdle about the band and their new album.
MM-Tell us some about the history of your band.
Ace-I started the band a few years ago, with 2 different members and dedicated the band to creating original, true heavy metal. I haven't strayed from that concept.
MM-You have a new out called "Pay it in blood". Tell us some about it.
Ace- The new CD is is our 1st full-length and features new members Dan Kowal on drums and Glen Reed on bass.
MM-What are some your favorite songs off of the new album and tell us what you like about them.
Ace-Some favorites are I Defy (powerful anthem), the title track (fast with strong chorus)
Balls to the Bone (heavy and intriquite riff)
MM-It has a great cover. Who is the artist?
Ace-cover art by J.P. Fournier (also did Dragonforce, Epica, Immortal etc.)
MM-You have had some line-up changes since the "Fear the truth" EP. Tell us about how those changes happened and the new members came to join the band.
Ace-As the band started taking off, the original members were realizing how much time & effort goes into a band like this and were getting disillusioned with the responsability.
MM-Were all of the songs on "Pay it in blood' written with the current line-up or did any of the writing begin before the line-up changes?
Ace- Most were written with the current line-up, but Blasphemy and Gladiator were written back with my old band Lethal Fury.
MM-The new album seems to be far more of a thrash focus where as "Fear the truth" was more of a cross between thrash and classic style metal. Do you agree with that or not? If so was the style change intentional or just a natural progression?
Ace- Yes the new CD is "thrashier" than the 1st, it was just a natural progression. Dan is a very strong metal drummer and gives the band a much more powerful feel.

MM-Why should people buy "Pay it in blood"?
Ace- Because it is a quality recording that kicks ass and features 10 all-new songs that all sound cohesive, yet unique. Plus, we could use the money...and the cover rocks!
MM-What bands have you shared a stage with so far?
Ace- Ravage, Razormaze, Rattlehead, Devastator, Lizzy Borden, Empire Shall Fall, lots more...
MM-What have been some of your more memorable shows so far?
Ace- Lansing, Mi was a really good show. so was Metal Up Your Tap in Chicago.

MM-What's the music scene like in your area?
Ace- Good, there is as strong metal community in the local area.
MM-If you could pick only three albums to listen to for the next month then what would you choose?
Ace- Slayer- Reign In Blood, UFO-Strangers in the Night, Agent Steel- Skeptics Apocalypse
MM-Any unknown bands in your area that you want to mention?
Ace- Lich King kicks ass -they're not really "unknown" though, they are pretty well known. New band we played with that was cool was manic repressive.
MM-What are thoughts about the current state of metal. Is it getting better, worse or about the same as it was years ago? Why?
Ace- Metal seems to be having a good resurgance lately. I know we will get lumped in with the new breed of thrash bands which is cool, even though I've been writing these songs for a long time. I think things are pretty healthy these days given the state of the economy, etc.
MM-What are some of the best albums that you have heard so far in 2010?
Ace- Just picked up the latest from "Headhunter" I love Destruction & Schmier -always get their CD's. Orden Ogans' CD is cool, and I like Black Future by Vektor another band we played with.
MM-Pick the band you prefer from each of the following pairs.
Manowar or Running Wild
Running Wild - I love pirate metal -what can I say?
Megadeth or Metallica
Megadeth - No one tops Mustaine.
Exodus or Overkill
Overkill - but Exodus is just as great (ok that's a tie)
Judas Priest or Motorhead
Lemmy is one of my hero's, but I've been listening to Priest longer.....
MM-Is there anything else that you want to tell us about your band, your music or anything else?
Ace- I hope that everyone that reads this checks out our new CD "Pay it in Blood" we worked hard on this album and are very proud of it. Check out tracks on our myspace page or we should have updated soon.
Thanks to Mark and everyone who supports the metal. Steve "Ace"
Labels: interview, Skull Hammer
I just listened to "Fear The Truth" on youtube.
Although it initially cracked me up, I also LIKED IT.
Great interview... a very cool read it is.
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