Mississippi Bones-s/t

Despite the band name these guys actually hail from Ohio. It's also just two guys making all this racket with Dusty Donley handling guitars, bass and programming while Jared Collins takes care of vocals and programming. This disc is a combination of stoner rock, grunge and just plain rock with some southern fried twang around the edges. So think like Cult, Soundgarden and Black Sabbath coming together for a wild ride. This is a fun, fuzzed out collection of songs that take seconds to get into. On one hand they sound so on and everything just falls into place automatically. On the other hand they hold to that spontaneous spark that makes it sound like a couple of guys jamming away in a basement one evening. Whatever the case they know how to pull everything together. The riffs are basic, but these guys know how to convey emotion with ease. Whether it's head bobbin rockers and thick chugging songs this band manages to sound genuine through and through. That's the kind of spirit that's all too rare in music, but Mississippi Bones manage to capture it and honesty in one's music goes along ways. My only real complaint on this band is that I didn't hear about them sooner. Certainly worth checking out.
Labels: 2010, Mississippi Bones
Sounds like MY KINDA SHITE !
I have this album, but haven;t listened to it yet. I'll have to check it out
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