Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Voyager-The meaning of l


Progressive rock/metal is one of those kind of sketchy styles for me. By that I mean that I don't take to every or even bands that play style. That is particularly true over the last ten or so years. That's not a threat or a boast, but just the way it is. Many bands that play this style have the technical aspect down. They can play their instruments and pour out tons of winding passages with multiple tempo changes. To me their is more to it than just technical side. If they do not manage to hit upon the rock aspect of the music then it just tends to slide off into self-indulgent wakery. Well, most progressive music is self indulgent, but having the rock or metal elements helps to give it a direction and that is what I expect and want from this type of music. So I have spent several line blathering on about my general views or progressive music. If you are wondering what this has to do with with Voyager's new album then just hold tight I'm getting there. The melodies come flying out almost as soon as the album starts and they don't really let up. If you are looking endless tones and pace changes then you will be in paradise. There certainly some beautiful parts here. Plus the way they are played makes it sound like it's the easiest thing in the world for this band to knock out. However there were certainly moments where the music just left me a bit cold. Every member in the band knows so bunch about speed and tones, but as a unit they didn't always raise the emotional or intensity levels. That's where I felt gaps come into play and I even bored some. I am sure there are prog junkies who may gasp at that, but be that as it may the music had times where it bogged down in itself. Now overall the album is far impressive than not. Fans of progressive rock will likely be pleased, but I felt slightly disappointed.

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