Halloween listening-A list

I took the kids for trick or treating at the mall last night. I needed some music for the holiday to take for listening to in the car so I brought my Misfits boxed set with us. I have been watching horror movies more in October because of Halloween, but I have not gearing my listening for the holiday. in previous years I have done, but so much this year. I still have a few days then to squeeze in some Halloween type heavy music. Here is a list of 13 I hope to pull a few from.
1-Iron Maiden-The number of the beast
Not like I need an excuse to listen to this album because I play it all the time.
Still some horror themed songs on it and it always makes me think of Halloween.
2-Halloween-Don't metal with evil
An obvious choice and it has some holiday themed songs.
3-Hallows Eve-Tales of terror
My favorite of theirs.
4-Helloween-Keeper of the seven keys part 1
Maybe just for the one song, but still an album I think this time of year.
5-Mercyful Fate-Don't break the oath
Definitely a mood setter.
6-King Diamond-Abigail
You always need a scary story.
7-Grim Reaper-Fear no evil
Any would do, but I'll pick this one.
8-Misfits-Walk among us
More Misfits, their best single album.
Not as fun as the Misfits, but almost as cool.
10-Saint Vitus-s/t
Some great doom is good for this of year.
11-Overkill-Feel the fire
This one always has me thinking of this time of year.
12-Ozzy-Diary of a madman
Back when Ozzy was worth listening to.
13-Black Sabbath-Volume 4
Toss on an old classic too.
***Feel free to add your list.
TRICK OR TREAT by FASTWAY is a great HALLOWEEN type of record.
Also the song HALLOWEEN by IRON CROSS (USA) is amazing.
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