Witch-The Hex Is On...And Then Some

Just where does FNA Records unearth this stuff? If there is any band out there that deserves to have a nice re-package job on them then it is Witch. Now, Metal Mark has already done an excellent job already (back in April of 2011 with Forgotten Gems) of covering Witch's lone EP of superb hard rock/sleaze "The Hex Is On" (http://metalmark.blogspot.com/search?q=witch-the+hex+in+on). Honestly that review alone gives you a great insight into this underground cult 80's band. Now while the "Damnation" version of this album was good in it's own right in that it featured a lot of non-EP tracks and lots of live material the fact is this new version is a real treat. This collection really allows the listener a golden opportunity to hear this raw heavy metal act (think Motley Crue, WASP, Twisted Sister and Lizzy Borden mixed together) in a new way. What FNA Records has done is somehow improve on that original EP by tacking on tracks with an impressive list of guest stars like Slash (on "Playing In The Rain"), Steve Stevens (on the killer cut “Black Magic"), Rowan Robertson ("Mad for Life" and "Games that People Play" among others) and Chris Holmes (of W.A.S.P.) on the cut "Crazy". Having all of these superstar guest lead guitar players is simply amazing making this collection stand out on top of the various other previous releases. While the bonus material is rough in some parts (since it was most likely transferred from tape sources) just the fact alone that you have all of these great musicians playing alongside this cult 80's act is unreal. I mean Slash alone of GNR fame should be a selling point for many! So, if your a fan of eighties metal like I am then you own it to yourself to pick up a copy of the "The Hex Is On...And Then Some" from FNA. Find out more below.
I've made not secrets about the fact that I really liked this band and wished they had gotten to do more than just the one EP and some demos. I'd love to hear this one too.
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