The concert choir story

I was reminded of this story after I mentioned AC/DC's TNT last week on the heavy metal jukebox. When I was in middle school every year around Christmas the concert choir from the high school would come and put on a Christmas program. I think we were just glad to get out of regular classes for a while. This story happened when I was in sixth grade which would have put it in December of 1981. Anyway the choir does their program, everyone claps and the choir make their way off the stage. My class is sitting way up on the side bleachers so I know it will be a while until we get out. I look up on the stage and all of the choir are off the stage leaving just the drummer and bass player who are still with their instruments. Then a member of the choir comes on stage and appears like he's taking a microphone stand apart. Instead the drummer and bass player start playing this simple beat and doing opening chant from AC/DC's TNT. Then the guy with the microphone gets out about this much...
"See me ride out of the sunset
On your color TV screen
Out for all that I can get
If you know what I mean"
Then the choir director has sprinted up to the stage and grabbed the microphone from him. A bunch of us were cheering although it doesn't take much to amuse a bunch of sixth graders. I wasn't yet that big into metal. If I listened to anything it was just whatever came on the radio, but I did know what song this was. Every once in while I think back to that story and wonder-
1)How much trouble did those guys get into for doing that?
2)Did they remain AC/DC fans for a long time?
3)Did any of them ever play in a band?
I guess I hope that this was some sign of how much they liked music and that they kept their love of music. However it just may have been a foolish stunt by some kids who just didn't have anything else to do. Anyway just thought I'd share this one with you.