Damn Yankees, 1990

Released back in early 1990 this band was comprised of Jack Blades (Night Ranger), Tommy Shaw (Styx), Ted Nugent (his own band) and previously unknown Michael Cartelone. This was a big production, slick hard rock album with lots of sing along type choruses and it came out at the right time because it hit and found an audience. It's heavier than Night Ranger and Styx, but lighter than most of the Nuge's prime stuff. That last line might explain why it took me a while to take to it. I was never big on Night Ranger and I thought Styx were okay, but I loved the Nuge's music from say 75-80. However, if you love the Nuge then you don't get a whole lot his craziness and his killer guitar playing. He had to fit into being a team member I guess. I heard this album this once or twice in 1990 and just bought it maybe five years ago on CD when I found it in the bargain bin. The production values are very high and it's well organized, but predictable. It's easily far better than a lot of other hard rock coming out at the time. The guitars are good overall, but a little restrained. The vocals are a big plus as both lead and backing are strong. It dates itself as being from 1990 yet there is no doubt that Jack Blades has a strong voice and sounds good throughout the album. I think that I enjoy more than I did in 1990, but it still a bit generic and I just wished they took more chances and rocked a little more at times. I will probably reach for it on occasion, but not all that often.
**Tomorrow Supergroup week continues with a review of Desperado's Ace.
Yeah, I was not that thrilled with Damn Yankees, honestly. I remember Blue Murder coming out around the same time and digging that a lot more.
I have the cassette. I liked it enough, but I agree with you on the generic factor. However, I have always loved Tommy Shaw's voice, and he seemed to have really good chemistry with Jack Blades.
"Yesterday's just a memory away
I was runnin' for the door
The next thing I remember
I was runnin' back for more"
This f#&%ing song is going to be stuck in my head all day now.
Damn Yankees!
I saw Damn Yankees open for Bad Company in the 90's. They were pretty good live. I always enjoyed "Comin' of Age". I remember that they actually played "Renegade" by STYX at the show too.
I really wanted to like Damn Yankees because I love the guitar playing and general craziness of Uncle Ted...I just couldn't get into it though. They had a couple of good songs, but nothing I'd want to play over and over or rock out to.
I remember liking this a lot when this first came out. I heard a few of the tracks on Rockline on the local rock station here, and was amazed at how big the vocals sounded.
I went to see them play live as well (good show btw) but strangely enough, I haven't listened to this for a long time. It is in active rotation on The Boneyard on XMradio, and I get just enough of Damn Yankess to fill my needs there I guess.
Ray-Blue Murder review coming on Friday.
Beckeye-The band seemed to work well together.
Captain Corky-You are welcome.
Mike-They probably were good live since they were such expierienced players.
Rockdog-I agree that it's not something I would play over and over.
Hardrockhideout-I have not listened to the radio on a regular basis since about 1992.
I love this album (shock of shocks!).
Some great, end of the era glam metal at its finest.
I really enjoyed this album. Much better than Nugent's patchy solo stuff it surprised me that it was so good at the time. Got quite a bit of airplay over here and we still get the odd track on Planet Rock radio now and again. I play this one quite regularly but not the second album.
Love it.
Dman Yankees is good hard rock, but bad metal. It showed how essential Tommy Shaw and Jack Blades were to the best songs of Styx and Night Ranger, respectively, and I loved it back in the day.
I'm with MIke--you get experienced live gods like Ted, Tommy, and Jack together, and you could even put ME on drums at that concert and it would still be a great show.
I always wondered what it would have been like if Nuge did more of the writing and Tommy and Jack only allowed their rougher edges to show through. It would have been one hell of an album, even if it would have bombed on the charts.
-- david
I am a big fan of Damn Yankees!!
That was a great release!!
Songs like
"coming of age", "high enough", and others are phenomenal!!
GREAT super-group!!!
Good Stuff!!!
I have to agree with you as I had high hopes for them too, and liked a couple of songs but mostly it just didn't quite turn out like I expected. I liked them all in their respective groups though.
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