Anima-The Daily Grind

Metal Blade
Anima hail from Germany and all of the members are in their late teens. I am not sure that either of those items has a real impact on their music or not, but whatever the case this band has proven that they are capable knocking out seriously hard-hitting progressive death metal. Granted it actually took about three tracks for them to warm up because at first they storm on and just cruise at one speed which is a like a blur and they don’t really slowdown or pause enough to really put any kind of inflection into their music. However after a while they settle in, take charge and began to vary the pace in music and vocals. The older style of thrash comes in and out and the sounds become much more defined. All of a sudden they are beginning to sound comfortable, focused and they begin to build songs rather just roar through them. Now if only the vocals were a little more defined at a consistent rate then they would be even better. Still they showed a good share potential and more than that they showed a fair share of control which I think is very important in the style of music.
nice tits
Ray-Maybe, but the horror face and and the burned or ripped looking stomach kind of kill the effect.
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