Star Wars-The Clone Wars soundtrack

This CD made me remember the days back in the early 1980's when I was just getting into music and didn't have the funds to purchase much of anything. Back then my prime source for music was the public library because I didn't drive yet, my parents went there and of course it was free to check items out. Of course I repeatedly checked out the few hard rock releases they had from the likes of Def Leppard, KISS, AC/DC and a few others. However I was a big fan of sci-fi and fantasy as well so I grabbed up various movie soundtracks including those from Star Trek, James Bond, Indiana Jones and Star Wars films. So I remember sitting back on my bed listening to these soundtracks and oftentimes closing my eyes and letting the images of various characters come into my as they were summoned from the various tones of each selection. I can't say that I have listened to a huge amount of soundtracks over the years, but I have watched many movies. The first Star Wars film really set the standard made an impact as far as soundtracks go because it contained a defining theme where we only have to hear a few notes and images of huge spaceships and immense laser battles fill your mind's eye. John Williams certainly knew what he was doing while creating music that was going to be one of a handful movies themes that have an instant and long lasting impact. So I think that right away a certain standard was set for all films sailing under the Star Wars banner. At this point we get long time die-hard fans, those under the spell of nostalgia and a whole younger generation of Star Wars fans all having various level of interest in the new film. The Clone Wars soundtrack contains 32 entries and like most soundtracks there are high points and there are fillers. The music was composed and conducted by Kevin Kliner and performed by the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra. There are definite moments where I can close my eyes and try to visualize what activities might be taking place and there are others that are a bit more tedious to endure. The tracks contained range from dazzling down to bland. For the most part it's decent, but it certainly has it's share of mediocre tracks that just kind of take up time and space. Not something I could listen to at any given time, but possibly a disc that would stick in when I wanted some moderately active background music.
Labels: 2008, soundtrack, Star Wars
did you get this from the library or elsewhere? Even I am probably not going to make the effort to see this in the theates since it's CGI, booooo
What's wrong with CGI? In this format the acting might actually be better than in some of the other Star Wars films. Besides their main objective is about selling toys and I am sure they will do plenty of that.
I enjoy a good soundtrack and John Williams was a leader in signature themes (Jaws, Indy and Star Wars) I don't listen to much these days, but I'll still throw on the Conan The Barbarian and Dragonheart soundtracks once in a while.
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