Clash of the album covers
We have two Iron Maiden covers this time around.

Piece of mind

Somewhere in time
***Which cover do you prefer?

Piece of mind

Somewhere in time
***Which cover do you prefer?
Labels: Clash of the album covers, Iron Maiden
Somewhere in Time is one of my least favorite of their covers even though it has so much to look at in the details. I guess I just don't like the whole Blade Runner kinda thing. That being said, none of the covers are bad until later in their career.
Piece of Mind over Somewhere in Time for sure. In fact, I think Piece of Mind might be my favourite Maiden cover. I certainly prefer it to Number of the Beast. I hate it when Eddie smiles!
PoM for me. SIT is cool as was Powerslave. SSoaSS blew.
I'll go with Piece of mind. I like Somewhere in time, but Eddie looks far better on Piece plus the colors are great. The Maiden logo always looked best in red.
I like SSoaSS, but I think largely because I respect a metal album cover that's predominantly light blue. So many of the covers are so dark that it was refreshing to see a little bit of light. I feel the same about Powerslave.
Piece of Mind, no doubt. But it doesn't compare to Killers.
I'll have to be the odd man out and go with Somewhere in Time. I always thought Piece of Mind was a little on the weak side.
Gotta agree with the Ripple brothers on this one, and not just because they pay me tons of dough for writing for them.
The first 3 Maiden tapes are my favorites and I think those are the best covers, too.
Somewhere in Time for me as well, love the detail of the city. Its like a Metal Godzilla.
somewhere in time does it for me.
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