Isolation- Closing A Circle

After being let down by their 2008 split album ( the well named "Bleak") I wasn't expecting loads from this one. Formed in 2004 the band is just now releasing their debut album. In the meantime Isolation has released a few demos, one EP, a "Best Off" compilation and the Bleak split w/Austere. On Closing A Circle the band adopts this melancholic rock/metal style to go with their black metal/doom beginnings. Trouble is not only is it melancholy, but it is also dull. The album is bleak and depressing enough sure. Problem is it also lacks any sort of interesting bits to get you to want to pay attention. After reading the promo material I had hoped that this one might see the band adapting an interesting sound, but it isn't the case. Wanted to find something about Closing A Circle to like. Anything really. Never did though.
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