
Nuclear Blast America
Considering the fact that Accept's first album came out in 1979 and that they originally owed a huge debt to AC/DC one can't help but marvel at how this band has changed over the years. Musically these German legends are heavier than ever and as "Stalingrad" proves there is still plenty of fight left in the band. 2010's "Blood of the Nations" may have introduced new singer Mark Tornillo to the world in grand fashion. For many it was one of the best comeback albums of 2010. Since then Mark has really stepped into the role of leader of the band and now they have returned with an album that is bound to be on many critic's album of the year awards come next December. This one is nothing short of heavy thrash metal goodness and Mark really shines on tracks like opener "Hung, Drawn and Quartered" and "Hellfire". If you liked 2010's effort I have no doubt that you'll find a lot to enjoy about numbers like "Revolution”, “Against The World” and “The Quick And The Dead”. Thrash metal has never shined so bright and Wolf Hoffman and Herman Frank’s guitar work is as good as ever. The lead work is classic Accept meets modern heavy metal and if one didn't know better you'd swear these guys saved some of the better riffs for Mark's second album with the band. Never forget UDO of course as he made Accept the band it is. Lets give Mark credit though as tracks like the slower "Twist Of Fate" showcase his range and give "Stalingrad" that extra push it needs to be great. Slowly Mark is making the case that Accept can carry on without UDO. "Stalingrad" is Accept in all it's glory and proof enough why they guys are real metal legends. One last note though before I go. If I didn't know better I would swear that "The Quick And The Dead" was "inspired" somewhat by Mötley Crüe's "Wild Side". Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I have only had one cup of coffee and need at least two cups to function in the morning. It could be as simple as that because Accept wouldn't be caught dead listening to Mötley Crüe right?
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